It is high time , Norway to get in place a permanent solution for children who sits at the reception and wait for the application to be processed. For the government has the most important so far, has been that settlement should have a deterrent effect. Then vanish the concern for the children. The new model gives children support and the care they so desperately need in the time where they wait for their application for asylum their to be processed.

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SOS children’s villages has worked to put in place a solution that provides the unaccompanied minor asylum seekers the care and security they need. We are therefore pleased that the Christian democratic Party got the green light for 15 million on next year’s budget to pilotere a new model for the reception of these children in a forsøkskommune.

Model Uk inspired by the coming from the Netherlands. Where has the foundation NIDOS the overall responsibility for children who come alone to apply for a residence permit. The foundation takes care of everything from reception and tutorship to the recruitment and monitoring of foster homes. The child quickly come to a family, regardless of whether it received the permanent or temporary residence permit.

There is a better, more humane and cheaper way to treat asylbarn on the Leader

Unaccompanied minor asylum seekers who were resident in the Uk in 2017, had on average spent 19 months in mottaksapparatet from the case was created they were resident in a municipality. Compared with 2013, this was an increase in 13 months. Children sit too long in the mottaksapparat and the missing safe and the caregivers around them. The new model fixes both, and is therefore revolutionary for children who come alone on the flight to Norway.

It to wait for the reception is a great mental burden for children. The new solution can ensure that children stay in a family and be part of a community while their application for asylum their to be processed. How to get your kids safe omsorgsrammer in waiting times. When the answer to the application first comes, the child can open the letter together with a caregiver rather than alone in an asylum.

So much more than ‘asylum seekers’ Debate

NIDOS state that they do not see any connection between their reception system and the number of newly arrived refugees, as the scheme with hurtigbosettingene, does not mean that more actually get a residence permit. This model is therefore not a change in the asylregelverket, but gives the children who come to Norway for a better life. It is also important considering that they can get a ballast when they might return to the country they have fled from. For SOS children’s villages is essential as we do not want children to put her childhood on hold in the period in which they are in Norway.

the Model can also prevent that the children are escaping from the reception if they have been rejected on their application for asylum. There are children who are escaping in the Netherlands also, but not to the same extent as in Norway. When the NIDOS select families for resettlement is clearly above them that the child may not get a residence permit.

Some of the solution is already. SOS children’s villages has developed a model for the settlement of unaccompanied minor asylum seekers together with Asker municipality. This is now in use in several municipalities in Norway and is recommended by NTNU. It is important For us that the children who come to Norway don’t get their childhood is put on hold. They have the right to care and security.