In the letter to Apple’s investors lined Tim Cook up explanations for the turnover can be up to nine billion dollars less than expected. In addition to weaker sales in several markets, he pointed to the Iphone XS and XS Max was launched one quarter earlier than the Iphone X in 2017. Everything boiled, however, down to the fact that it sold significantly fewer new Iphones than what the company anticipated.

the Reference to a sharp increase in the number of battery exchange is particularly interesting. In 2017, Apple had received massive criticism for the company’s updates of older Iphonemodeller made the phone slower. The old batteries did not pursue all of the new features.

the company went on to change the batteries in all the models of Iphone 6 and forward of it in the context facila price of 29 dollars, corresponding to approximately sek 260, an offer which, incidentally, ended at the end of last year. Now it turns out that far more customers than expected made the switch instead of paying up to 1,500 dollars, which is equivalent to about 13,500 sek, for a new phone.

Expectations of vinstmaskinen Apple is always extremely high and, therefore, had Tim Cook’s profit warning a dramatic impact on the New Yorkbörsens aftermarket. But Apple still earn lot of money, says Leif–Olof Wallin, telekomanalytiker at Gartner.

– I would rather say that it evens out for the company. Apple is a player in the premium segment and then can’t the company grow, how much of that time. The profit margin is still very high, which also hangs together with premiumambitionerna, ” he says.

“But if you look at the latest phone models, they are extremely high-priced and the company is nowhere near a pain threshold,” he adds

the clientele, but the signals on the declining sales may be a sign that it is becoming increasingly difficult to find new customers who are willing to pay the high price.

– Apple has very well penetrated market with people who have a lot of money and who want to be an early adopter when it comes to new phones. On the new markets in which the company is trying to enter the, there may be macroeconomic reasons that many cannot afford to pay Apple’s prices, ” says Leif–Olof Wallin.

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