We figured well really first yesterday, how serious it can be. It was not possible to get the space with the last of the boats, ” says Stig Nærø.

Nærø is on a year’s journey along with her partner and their three children. In Koh Pangan, they have also received visits by the children’s grandmother and aunt. The family has lived in a bungalow on the beach. Like many other tourists tried to get away from the island yesterday, but all the boats were full.

today report that the tropical storm “Pabuk,” which is on the road to several of Thailand’s popular resorts, is expected to create huge devastation. Turistperler that could be hit include Phuket, Koh Samui and Krabi.

Severe tropical storm on the way towards the Thailand

– the Boats are set from now and two days in the future. Now we have moved us to a brick house 50 metres away from the beach. We have filled up with water and biscuits, ” says Nærø.

Crosses fingers

Nærø says that it comes little information about what is happening. The family must on your own get an overview of the situation.

the Meteorological department of Thailand announced today that the storm moves west from Indonesia and against Thailandbukta. Until Saturday, it is also reported that large amounts of precipitation in the south of Thailand.

It is evident that the staff at the resort here doesn’t have any referanserammer for such a storm. They may not give any particular answer. We have talked with several concerned tourists in the day. Many left the island with the last of the boats in this morning, ” says Nærø.

He tells that it is currently is about to blow up.

– There is no drama currently. It looks as if the storm turns more to the south, so that is probably less severe here. We cross the fingers, ” he says.

Concerned about

According to Nærø, it is difficult to know what they can expect.

” We are concerned about. We have little experience with tropical storm. Two weeks ago we were further north on the island. Then there came a heavy rain which brought with it a surprisingly powerful flood. It led to less devastation around. We saw the result of the two hour poured down. It creates concern for what this storm, which is much larger, can carry with them, ” he says.