Almost every third car sold in Norway in 2018, was what the norwegians call a “nuludslipsbil”.

Sales of electric cars rose by nearly 40 percent in the past year.

For the first time is the most popular model of car not Volkswagen Golf. By contrast, the Nissan Leaf, which runs on electricity, which the car dealers have gone the most number of keys across the counter to.

according to new figures from the Norwegian Opplysningsrådet for Veitrafikken (OFV).

electric cars and hybrid Cars together accounted for 49,1% of sales of new cars. Include also sales of used cars, the figure is as high of almost 52 percent.

– in General, we see that the manufacturers can make electric vehicles are the winners in the statistics.

– 2018 was the year, when new passenger cars, which run on alternative fuel, fortified its strong position on the market, says the OFV-director Øyvind Solberg Thorsen, who on Wednesday presented the figures.

The surge in sales of electric cars are not, however, exclusively positive.

A possible problem that may crop up in the future, may be, that the manufacturers cannot keep up with the increased demand.

– We must have access to these cars, they must be imported and produced, says Solberg Thorsen.

the Forecast for 2019 is pointing towards, almost half of the cars sold in Norway this year, will be electric vehicles.

at the same time of 40,000 norwegians on the waiting list to buy an electric car, and can get even more when new waiting lists will open.

– the Question is whether the industry can deliver about 70,000 electric vehicles in the year, says the OFV-the director.