emotions ran high, as the SBB announced over two years ago, in the station buffet Lausanne will in the future, hosts the Zurich gastro company Tibits. Previously, the monument-protected Buffet from the time of the Belle Epoque, it should be renovated carefully. The Brasserie was built in frescoes, with its picturesque as the railway station between 1911 and 1915.

A scandal that outraged the Canton of Vaud in readers ‘ letters and social media. Zurich hosts have been experienced the buffet in the railway Station in Lausanne as an Affront. A fortiori, because the Zurich only vegetarian dishes would bring, where the Buffet is a definite meat was for decades locally. The Papet vaudois, the stew with Sausage and leeks, or potatoes, had in this Local, his closest home. The idea that in the future a Vegan though sitting in Hippie clothes with white cloths covered the tables, and SIP fruit juices and eat smoked Tofu, for many of the Canton of Vaud is a nightmare.

But all the protests have brought nothing. The SBB noted on the plans, and now Zurich. A month ago they opened the Tibits and brought with them the tradition dish Papet vaudois. Of course, no pork sausage, but in a vegan version made from Seitan, Tofu, eggplant, beetroot, and cabbage. And lo and behold: The culinary novelty finds its audience. This can be seen in a visit to the Lausanne Tibits at the end of the year.

Younger people

The audience is considerably younger than in the past. Around noon, the people flock to the buffet to the train Station, stroll to the Buffet, eyeing the dishes and discuss the offer. Sumptuously filled, the plates are worn to the cashier: You want a taste of everything. Margaux Delley, and in the Tibits in Lausanne in charge of Marketing, confirmed the impression. “It’s going very well,” she says.

It could have been different. “Especially in the social media, many prejudices have been expressed,” says Delley. “But the critics don’t come.” Daniel Frei, Tibits co-founder and CEO, says: “We have led the criticism and concerns very seriously, many conversations, lots of listening, and the project with great respect and reverence.” Also local producers are many products on the map.

He got nobody not encountered, his personal history with the Buffet, so Free. However, many experiences were from a bygone time, as it was Locally really a meeting place. He was crucial to have the Buffet pass the louse men as a meeting place back, says Free.

In the West of Switzerland, Tibits entered unknown Terrain. The Lausanne Restaurant is the first branch in the Romandie. You had to find local staff, and in the German part of Switzerland to train. “All of the staff were for two to eight months in a Tibits in order to learn the concept, the Restaurants, the recipes and the processes,” says Delley. In Lausanne, largely, everything should work as in the German part of Switzerland.

“vegetarian manger”

Even if the Tibits in Lausanne, reminds me of those from Bern to St. Gallen, there are differences. “In the German part of Switzerland a first-name basis Tibits-employees, the guests in the rule. Dasspontane You would confuse the West of Switzerland,” says Delley.

With the opening of the discussions, the first in Western Switzerland, Tibits are in the catfish media again flared up.Also, Alt-Nationalrat Jacques Neirynck (CVP), which is not digested by the host exchange. In the newspaper “Le Temps” he complains about the Installation of a “vegetarian manger” and “the end of the good life” in the railway station in Lausanne. Journalist Isabelle Falconnier responded in the newspaper “24 Heures”: “The Lausanne must be very happy, if you have no other Worries than to discuss whether you are for or against the Tibits. But to each his existential question,” wrote Falconnier. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 03.01.2019, 10:07 PM