get The CSU in two weeks a new Chairman. The only personnel change or re-awakening?

The CSU is not known for you to switch your party leader inflationary. In this respect, it is, of course, a turning point. Markus Söder has made it clear that he’s also a renewal of the party. In the light of the poor performance in the state election we need to win back trust. And us new layers of voters open. For example, we have a problem of Acceptance among younger women

If Markus Söder of the CSU chief, is no party Chairman in the Federal Cabinet. This does not weaken the CSU?

I see not, under any circumstances. To sit in the Federal Cabinet, is not decisive – the new Federal Chairman of the CDU does not. It is important that we work together between the Berlin and the Munich-based level of trust and constructive. For that matter, I am very confident.

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to order What will Horst Seehofer? He can remain Minister of the interior?

of Course. Horst Seehofer has a lot of successful promotion and moved. And he has made it clear that we are just in the migration and security policy still has many challenges before. Who knows, Horst Seehofer, don’t know that he needed the party chairmanship, in order to lay the necessary ambition and the necessary assertiveness.

Tomorrow is the exam of the CSU land group in the monastery of Seeon. They demand the right to live there tightenings for migrants. New conflict with the CDU threatens?

In the past few weeks, not we, but the CDU-politician tightening of the legal situation in the game. In this respect, I see no smoldering conflicts, yet the potash dispute. In the migration policy, a great cut is between the sister parties. Both do not want the year 2015 to be repeated. And both want to have a migration policy, which is dominated by the Christian image of man.

require that offenders, asylum seekers, convicted abroad, being punished harder and more directly from the detention in prisons of their homeland. The German judiciary was too lenient?

we are concerned with two things. We have to use existing law more effectively to intensive offender faster to get rid of. And we also need to think about tightening of the legal situation. There has been cases where foreign remained Multiple offenders in this country over many years unmolested. The assassin of Strasbourg is an example of this.

core point of the great conflict with the CDU was in the summer, the required rejection of migrants at the border and Bavarian police officers now back up again to Austria. To do a lot of you don’t seem to have there, but, if you believe the statistics…

The Bavarian-Austrian border is the main route of migration. Every third those Entering illegally will be picked up there. In the medium term, we of course want to back to a Europe without internal borders. But under the condition that the external borders are protected so that only we decide who enters and not just any illegal immigration and the smuggling gangs

so Far, there are bilateral command arrangements, but only with Greece and Spain. And seven persons were refused entry in these countries, the degrees of change. Justifies the – in retrospect, armed with the CDU is the Giant?

These two agreements do not have a view on the number of people affected is actually so relevant. Much more important, an agreement with Italy, on our part, negotiated to end and is ready for signature. And, in the case of repayment of already elsewhere-registered refugees, we have become much better.

you want to limit the immigration to people under the age of 45. Older professionals, for example in the care, would also be a relief for Germany?

A majority of third-country nationals who come to work due to Germany, is already under 40. The clear definition makes sense. So that we can prevent people coming only a few years of work, no base for adequate retirement provision can build and later, if you stay in Germany, the social assistance invited. To be excluded by the restriction.

it Is with Manfred Weber, the candidate for the office of President of the Commission, a fresh start for the CSU in the European policy?

It needs no fresh start, because the CSU is always a European, and Europe is facing the party. Under Franz-Josef Strauß, we had a clear Pro-European character. By the candidacy of Manfred Weber, it is now even clearer and more concise. This is very welcome.

so Far, the Europe was not to recognize the friendliness of the CSU, which is often so easily – there may also be a reason for the Disaster at the last European election.

at the time, We made a little clear for what kind of Europe we stand for. I’m not sure that this error happens again. We will make it clear that we are a Pro-European party, which also sees the solution to many serious challenges at the European level. About the migration policy.

five years Ago, wanted to push the CSU for Greece from the Euro-Zone. Now you loads with the Art of Mitsotakis, the leader of the Greek Conservative to Seeon. Is this to be understood as a Signal?

It is a clear Signal that we respect what has happened in Greece on reforms. Of course, the country is still in troubled waters. But on a constructive path to a good future.

Yet another guest comes to Seeon: the new CDU leader. The fact that the CSU have a peaceful wants with the party’s sister?

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CSU-Chef Markus Söder “We need to the party by airing”

it must be Clear that the CDU and the CSU are most successful when they are marching together and United. I am very confident that the year 2019 – which relates to the cooperation between the two sister parties – will take a very different course than the last year.