Sigrid Esche-Braunfels, art historian and 104 years old. They visited several times a week in the Alte Pinakothek. Her recipe for old age? Dear self.

Nora Voit

Before Sigrid Esche-breaks Braunfels, she takes the time to pack your bag: the blue bifocals in the blue case, red reading glasses in a red case, wallet, hat, neck scarf, handkerchief, emergency button. The watch around the wrist, so that you will be back punctually at twelve for lunch. Then the 104-Year-old with her Walker going in the direction of the Pinakotheken. Door-to-door is 350 metres away,, your favorite day-trip destination.

born to A life for art: in 1914, in Munich, studied medicine in Freiburg, studying art history …