Lappeenranta types of Asko Juutilainen find a summer residence in his attic special package. Historian Teemu middle of the series, according to Eino Rahja wrote in Finnish history rewritten in just one day.The former village shop the loft found propaganda materials spread in Finland, exactly one hundred years ago. Asko right kind is to be found material tucked a copy, as he handed over the original versions then to the Mikkeli provincial archives.

in Missouri, Asko Juutilainen is the guessing will soon be twenty years, why a summer residence for the amended village shop the loft to find in one neat package of hard, after the civil war of propaganda material.

Special packages hit Juutilainen stab the shovel, when he emptied Sulkavan salmon bay located in the old log cabin vinttiä renovation of the way in the late 1990s.

the work was hard, since it is estimated that in the 1880s the construction of the village commercial and residential property in the loft was about half a meter thick while the insulation sawdust, mulch, sand, moss.

– Some of the matchbox cover and the love letters there were found among. Otherwise, nothing special, Juutilainen recalls.

One site shovel load, however, I nailed something unexpected: a brown paper wrapped neat package, inside which is found the then the Finnish communist party (SKP), published by Wapaus-leaf and four different new revolution on behalf of the campaign that propaganda leaflets.

Wapaus magazine’s publication date is marked 7. in December 1918, so exactly one year and one day in Finland’s official independence day after.

Juutilainen estimates that the package is specially hidden in the attic, as it is found in exterior walls and ceiling of the small space. The magazine package is not Juutilainen opinion, can not have run into it by chance.

Why it’s hidden, it can only be guessed at.

Special discovery place eino Rahja was rock-hard bolshevik, which is known to hope the war between Finland and Soviet union.

Juutilainen provided to find the materials then the Mikkeli provincial archives. Similar materials have also been found elsewhere in Finland, because after the civil war, propaganda materials were distributed in abundance and it is preserved for posterity.

Special package will do however, the discovery place: Juutilainen, according to the Saimaa beach in the house is during the civil war and then worked for the village shop. The house in small rooms has been in time, also varying the number of tenants.

the House was a trade in tar steam always Vyborg and st. Petersburg. That time channel-documents found in the shop downstairs during the renovation, Juutilainen told.

the Finnish civil war profoundly versed historian Teemu Middleweight to keep the discovery of the place to some extent peculiar to, above all, because you don’t Describe and Savo Theft and Kuopiota with the exception of, anyway I have been at any stage punavallan below.

– of Course, Lappeenranta does not have there a long way, and that area was red, the middle series of notes.

the researcher regarded as one of the opportunity for that material has ended up in feather valle a southern Finnish included.

– the Second option is that traders would have acted in the guardian in the municipality, and through it obtained the evidence themselves.

the Discovery made Juutilainen in turn guess, would initially shoemaker to the village by traders may have been the sympathies of the red.

It wasn’t the time way, but maybe his background was affected somehow.

the Case continued to image after.

lappeenranta types of Asko Juutilainen has been thinking about for years, how after the civil war, published propaganda materials have come to the village shop to the attic. ”Badass”

Juutilainen find leaflets choleric word is E. Rahja, i.e. the Finnish red guards leader, and after the civil war st. Petersburg was founded by the communist party’s key players in the Eino Rahja signed by the text.

School history classes for most people is most likely stuck in the red side of the james franck the name, but in st. petersburg the Finnish Rahja instead, it is a large audience of unknown less.

despite the Fact that it was he who wrote the history of only one during the day, the average of the series pointed out.

the Day was 27. in January 1918, when the Rahja and his brother Jukka relationship in st. Petersburg acquired the weapons arrived at the train Vyborg, Helsinki, Turku and Tampere.

Great asejunan be invited to transfer into Kämärän station into an ambush, which also Jukka Rahja was wounded.

– If Eino would have been a little softer than the guy and the gun thing would have stopped an ambush, the civil war had not come, but Finland would have been white immediately from January onwards, the average series of notes.

He is indeed characterised by lenin’s inner circle of Rahjaa before the change ”a tough guy”. At least, if Rahjaa comparison to many other time in the Finnish communist party.

– in General the Finnish red were soft and that’s why they lost your class war up in 1918.

– Rahja, instead, was a bolshevik. He had such qualities, with the help of lenin’s hooligans won the Russian civil war, the Middleweight said.

the Case continued to image after.

Finland’s civil war spread in agitation leaflets, inter alia, are commanded to arm themselves with ”the final struggle” and advised to hand out flyers only ”trusted comrades”. Exception in Finland

Also, many history writings estimate the Rahja was intense and poignant, the hard grip of the supporter so before the Finnish civil war and after.

Partly for this reason also he and the communist party a leading figure of Otto Wille Kuusinen between is characterized as tense. Rahja namely kept after the civil war, the communist party in mainly civil service and unable to organize a revolution from the first unsuccessful attempt.

In the Rahja was the middle of the series, according to the right. The Finnish red the majority of other eastern european revolutionary front of an exception not only to its attitude of also methods.

in Finland, they went to a semi-civil war, they didn’t understand that the revolution can only be made with the utmost brutality. No war can be good, if the enemy count is a free word.

Rahja course attended themselves also in the Finnish civil war and led the battle on, inter alia, in Lempäälä and Tampere. He also acquired additional troops to the red support.

central series according to the Rahja forces experienced by the losses do not become the leader to catch up, but undisciplined forces. Orders compliant set of Rahja to write many words also Juutilainen discovering the agitation leaflet.

– no other would have done it better. The red guards eventually had a band, which no one would have wanted. The war was certainly lost, when no one did not obey the chiefs of the east, the middleweight said.

the Case continued to image after.

the Soviet union the influx of money and weapons to Finland, so the historian Teemu central series according to the revolution was not a communist point of view in any way an unrealistic goal in the 1920s. Krazzy Mannila”Fucking teeth”

the Finnish civil war after lenin’s inner circle belonged to the Rahja returned back to soviet Russia and to continue the operation of a new revolution organising in Finland.

She was a survivor type, and not have to worry about one also experienced a revolution, the average of the series describes.

central series according to the Rahjalle missed the other soviet Russia returned punapäällikön of the way ”like hell, tooth” defeat that ended the civil war.

– of course each of them would have returned gladly home victorious.

the average of the series pointed out that the revolution in pursuit of Finland was not an unrealistic goal in the 1920s.

in the early 1920s the underground communist party in the lead was from st. Petersburg and Moscow. There came the money and weapons to Finland. At the same time the whole of Europe was in flames for some time after world war ii. The revolution was not, for example in Germany or in Hungary, very far away.

the Great man and condemned to death

Your party inside Rahja drifted, however, in the 1920s still deeper conflicts and finally in 1927 he was left his party’s central committee to the outside.

Syrjäyttämisensä after Rahja direction your energies on the red army, where he went on to build a successful career.

It worked for a few years. The middle of the series, according to lieutenant general value in order to promote friendship Rahjaa was held in the red army achieved combat success due to a direct suurmiehenä.

in the End Rahja got off also the red army in 1935, and alcoholism of the injured man succumbed to death. Rahja dies before its implementation in 1936, and he thereby missed between Finland and Soviet union during the winter war broke out.

the Rahja know in life I hope between the countries in the war, when the revolution had been, according to him, possible also in Finland.