In september, the board decided in the World’s antidopingbyrå (WADA) to revoke the exclusion of Russia’s antidopingbyrå (RUSADA). The condition was that they accepted several conditions, including that WADA would get access to all the data from the laboratory in Moscow in the end of the year. It did not happen, and it’ll have more to react strongly.

In a petition , written by the leaders of 16 national antidopingbyråer, is the message clearly.

“After more than three years of research, indecisiveness and compromise as the answer to the worst dopingskandalen in this sport’s history, is the time ripe to show that no individuals or nations are exempt from its obligations to the World’s Antidopingkode (WADC). We beg WADA to use their full authority and resources to expedite this matter,” it says in the petition.

Just before christmas, had The five seconded experts travel home from Moscow with uforrettet case. The Russian authorities said that the experts have the equipment to extract the data were not approved by the country’s laws.

Deserved it not

On the first day confirmed to WADA that Russia had not fulfilled the condition of full access. The russians run the risk again to be suspended.

the Chief executive of anti-doping Norway Anders Solheim, is clear that it must now happen. For NTB, he says that the case must hastebehandles.

It has been several years now without that it has been cleaned up. Now in september gave WADA them a ekstraomgang that they are not deserved, and it didn’t take RUSADA care of. Now, you must soon say that the door is closed. Therefore, it is important that we now say so, ” says Solheim.

Linda Hofstad Helleland is vice president of WADA. She was strongly disagree with the decision to take Russia into the heat again. The Norwegian minister requires action immediately.

We owe it to the clean athletes that we get a clarification as quickly as possible, says Helleland to VG, and continues:

– Now the whole world’s eyes directed at WADA, and we cannot afford to lose the trust of athletes and a whole sportsverden. I fear that we will lose the trust of the day and day, hour by hour.

A joke, and a taint

The independent committee for the regeletterlevelse shall meet 14. 15. January to make a recommendation to the WADA-board of directors of Russia’s idrettsframtid. Anti-doping Norway and 15 other national antidopingbyråer requires that it is taken a decision as quickly as possible.

the Leader of the United states antidopingbyrå, Travis Tygart, toasted provided on the head over the whole situation around RUSADA.

It is a joke and an eyesore for WADA and the global antidopingsystemet, thundered USADA boss on Tuesday.

Centrally located

WADA banned RUSADA in november 2015 after McLaren-the report documented widespread and myndighetsassistert dopingjuks in the years 2011 to 2015. Central in this was antidopinglaboratoriet in Moscow.

the Lack of access to data from the Moscow laboratory has been a drag in the attempt to quiet the guilty to responsibility for the dopingjukset. In February, rezoned this sport voldgiftsrett (CAS) penalties against 28 of the 43 Russian idrettsfolkene that of the IOC was disqualified and banned for having contributed to and profited from dopingjukset.

So far only two international federation athletics (IAAF) and biathlon (to ibu), initiated disciplinary cases based on the information in the McLaren report. The IAAF has since november 2015 denied the russians participation in the international competitions, except the hand-picked sportsmen who have to compete as neutral athletes.

the russians ‘ breach of it creates reactions: – I am very disappointed