Partitoppene Right, Right, Left, and His today, his first day of negotiations at Granavolden hotels in Oppland.

the Goal is to come out with a new – and historic – regjeringsplattform who ensures that all four parties sitting in the government and gives Norway a new majority rule.

– This are negotiations that are demanding. At the same time, calls in advance shown that it is possible to find good, common solutions. I am glad that we stand here today, ” says Erna Solberg to the press just after the clock 15 in the day.

Christian values

Abortion, child benefit, immigration, tax-free sales and klimaavgifter are some of the tricky cases where Erna Solberg now must find a consensus across partigrensene.

– Norwegian politics deserves that we take care of the distinctive features of Norwegian politics right now, namely, rest, continue Tomorrow.

Her nyttårstale devoted much space to the child and the family. It fell in taste with KrFs deputy chairman Kjell Britain Ropstad.

I felt the speech was tailored to the Sector. I hope that christian values can influence the nature of any new government. I felt This had already been a part reach consensus after having heard her speech, with a clear priority of children’s and familiepolitikken, ” he says on the stairs above the hotel in Hadeland.

TIMES: Siv Jensen says she has gained more confidence to Progress and Ropstad through sonderingene before christmas. Photo: Lars Eivind Bones / Dagbladet Show more – Defeat

the Negotiations will probably be in a couple of weeks, and it’s not certain that the parties actually come to a common platform.

– But we don’t go to government for any price. We are here because we have experienced it through sonderinger is the basis and belief that we can be able to form a government Sector may be putting their mark on. But if we don’t, so if we do not, continues Ropstad.

Former Frp leader Siv Jensen has been clear that negotiations will be tough and that the outcome is uncertain. She asks for the negotiations with private kravliste.

– Transport is important for the progress party. We know that many motorists are struggling. It is also important for us to get to the larger innstramminger on asylum and innvandringsfeltet. And we need to get to a package that further lowers the overall tax and avgiftstrykket in Norway. It is beinharde negotiations, said Jensen to the Newspaper just before christmas.

today, says Jensen, that the relationship between the progress party and the christian democratic party has is something better than in the fall. Then complained she, and many others in the conservative party on what they experienced as svartmaling from the Sector.

It was useful for us to become better acquainted with Kjell Britain and his delegation in the course of negotiations. It means that the trust between us has been greater, ” says Jensen.

Erna Solberg about the skandaleåret 2018: – There are many things I should have been besides Ropstad will give the conservative party the green light

at christmas In was also KrFs forhandlingsleder Ropstad clear that there might not be a successful forhandlingsresultat.

He acknowledges that all parties need to get their wins, also Frp.

– We are the four parties which will negotiate, and I acknowledge that the conservative party need to get their victories, and we need to get our. It is not so that we go into these negotiations with a goal of brace krokfot on the Progress. The goal is that we form a government that makes it the best for Norway, says Ropstad, according to NTB.

No special treatment

In interviews before the trial started have Erna Solberg has been clear that the Sector will not get any special treatment in the negotiations.

the Right has said we are willing to discuss an update of a law that was written a long time before significant technological updates. All should feel that they serve to sit in the government. But it means that everyone must also give something. No one can expect to only get. It applies to This also, she told the Newspaper just before christmas.

A total ekspertkorps has judged the project to the north and down repeatedly. Erna Solberg refused to give up. Now, she is likely to win.

– You can soon say “what was that I said” to the very, very many?

It is clear I will be happy if This goes into the government, as long as we still have a styringsdyktighet in politics our. It is much more important than anything else. We can’t have it like that in Norway – as in Sweden – that man reigns on someone else’s political platform. Government policies have all members stand in for, ” said Solberg at the time.

Use the split Sector as forhandlingskort