Early in the nyårsdagsmorgonen american border guards thrown at least three tårgasbehållare over to the mexican side of the border at Tijuana, reports the AP.

Tårgasen was thrown against around 150 countries of the central american migrants who, according to the border guards trying to cross through the fence into the united states. Several people have been affected by tårgasen, including children and journalists, who were at the site.

tårgasen was directed to say to the AP that they had arrived to the border a month ago with a group of refugees who began their journey in Honduras.

According to the U.S. customs and gränsmyndighet managed tårgasen against the people who threw the stone towards the american border guards. The authority said that 25 refugees were arrested in connection with the incident.

In november pushed the american border guards tear gas across the border to Mexico, even then it should be acted on migrants who tried to enter the united states. The mexican authorities have claimed that the incident is being investigated.

the large amount of central american refugees who made their way to the U.S. border in the autumn has become an important national issue in the country.

The u.s. state apparatus has been stationary for the past week because of the budgetkonflikten between Donald Trump and the Democrats. Trump has said to be prepared to let it remain closed until he receives through the financing of the great wall against Mexico.

In december, two refugee children from Guatemala died since they were taken in the u.s. gränsmyndigheternas custody. Something that has provoked strong reactions in the united states. Trump has claimed the children’s death on the Democrats, whose immigration policy he calls ”pathetic”.

the Trump, if the closed state apparatus: Come to the White house and negotiate

Trump blames migrantbarnens death of the Democrats

Mexico calls for investigation of american tear gas