The right-wing Jair Bolsonaro is on Tuesday at 18 o’clock Danish time sworn in as president of the large south american country of Brazil.

Bolsonaro, who promise to fight against drug-related crime and a business-friendly policy, has declared that he will move Brazil closer to the UNITED states. Thus, away from traditional allies in south America.

He was sworn in at congress in Brasilia, capital of Brazil.

Prior to the deployment of the new president had many of his followers gathered in front of the Planalto palace where he was sworn in.

Many had painted themselves in the face with the Brazilian colours, yellow and green, and had the brazilian flag thrown on the shoulder.

In the next four years Bolsonaro for president of the country, which has South america’s largest economy.

The former paratrooper has been the member of parliament in the past 27 years.

Bolsonaro, who is 63 years old, has come to power on a popular wave of anger against the established system of extensive corruption and red tape.

He is Brazil’s first right-wing president since the military dictatorship were replaced by civil rule 30 years ago.

Bolsonaro has been supported massively by the conservative branches of the brazilian society. It also applies to the christian evangelists.

It is expected that he will block further easing of abortloven.

Sex education away from the public schools, and so he is against what he calls the ‘cultural marxism’, as he says, that previous left-wing governments, have introduced in the schools.

Photo: AP

One-third of his new cabinet are former military officers. Many of them come from the brazilian military academy, and they have all expressed their support for the military regime from 1964 to 1985.

Bolsonaro has been accused of incitement to rape, and to incite hatred on the grounds of opinions on women, homosexuals and minorities.

But his law-and-order-policy and planning to alleviate the våbenloven attracted many voters as voted in the presidential election in October.

He has especially strong support in rural areas.

The new president has declared that he will follow the UNITED states’president, Donald Trump, and draw Brazil out of the international climate agreement in Paris.

He will also open for mining in areas where there are indigenous people in Brazil’s vast rainforest.