Almost half of the intercity passenger train was late. The storm and the resulting accidents have hindered rail traffic.Trains arrive late before and after Tampere. Stock. Jarno Right / the Archive

Lappeenranta–Imatra-between trains replaced by buses until the rail will be fine. The state of the company Traffic Management Finland announced that the vehicles of change have to be made to fallen trees and it is because of line damage.

Accurate estimate of the repair duration does not yet exist.

Laihia–Vaasa across until the afternoon

the Storm tore down trees and damaged electrical infrastructure rail management in Laihia and Vaasa section. Passenger trains will replace buses repair time.

rail transport centre, it is estimated that tree clearing and track work repair lasted at least until the afternoon.

the Trains arrive late at the Tampere–Seinäjoki

Parkanon and Tennessee section trains arrive late. Rail traffic control centre will be told that the abundant snowfall due in one track turn is the turning problem.

due to a Defect in Parkano–Seinäjoki-between each train there is a delay of about half an hour. The line section passing through a lot of passenger traffic from Tampere–Seinäjoki–Oulu-between.

locomotive driver told work. Anni Nieminen

the middle rail transport works on rail transport according to the centre, very. The tracks have individual snow – and gear problems, but especially in transport, for example, Helsinki–Riihimäki and Helsinki–Kirkkonummi-links play well.

VR:no, before ten o’clock in the morning intercity train from 41 percent was on schedule. Near traffic, around every fifth turn it was to late.

Edited 2.1.2018 clock 9.41: Added information Lappeenranta–Imatra-between and the updated VR’s punctuality statistics.