Ships have been forced to slow down the pace of the storm during the night. Watch the video from the foreca the latest weather forecast. Foreca

the Finnish meteorological institute and Foreca reported early Wednesday morning historical storm readings from the sea.

kökar in the average wind strength was measured at night at 32.5 meters per second. Foreca according to the very gust was measured in turn Bogskärissä, as much as 41,6 m/s. That means about 150 km/h.

This is probably the all-time great storm of wind reading. Finnish meteorological institute meteorologist Tomi Valtonen tweeted that the previously measured 40,1 km/h would be some kind of record.

the northern storm is kicking up seas already a cyclone, and vessels have been forced to drop the pace to four-five knots or even less, a salvage center was told.

Also the waves rose to the historical high. The meteorological department confirmed that the significant wave height measured 7.9 meters, is the all-time great backs at sea.

– It’s huge in our circumstances, the maritime rescue coordination centre Samu Quiet said.

despite the night sea rescue centre, calmly, and accidents become.

Most of the storm has affected the Åland islands. Viking Line cancelled Wednesday Rosella-ship of the four outputs of the route Kapellskär-Mariehamn .

If under the meteorological department of the tweet does not appear, it can be viewed at this link.

Viking Line’s Rosella-ship Wednesday departure route Kapellskär-Mariehamn has been cancelled. AOP