“Traffic problems and power outages in the wind”

“The windy start to the year has caused major problems.”

“the Traffic both on land and at sea have been affected and a large number of households are without electricity. SMHI has issued class 2 warnings for winds in several parts of the country.”

“the transport department urges anyone who plans to venture out on the roads to take their time and to adapt your driving style to suit road conditions. Vindkänsliga vehicles is recommended to avoid running over the bridge and previously held ^ closed for heavy traffic.”

“– It’s the windy weather that comes in today and tomorrow (Tuesday and Wednesday). The reason is a deep low pressure which will move to the northeast to Finland, ” says Therese Gadd, duty meteorologist at SMHI.”

“During the night on Tuesday was issued a class 1 warning in the Western parts of Götaland and to the Tuesday night is expected the wind turning to the north or northwest and increase in strength. Class 2 warnings have been issued for the island of Gotland and Uppland – and Roslagskusten where gusts are expected to reach storm the fortress during the night. Also over the eastern waters and the gulf of bothnia is expected to storm.”

‘ Destination Gotland set up the ferry service to and from the island of Gotland because of the harsh weather and Viking Line set departures between Kapellskär and Mariehamn.”

“Although rail traffic has been affected by the strong wind that blown down wires which led to the disruption of traffic.”

“In Halland county right now is approximately 700 households without electricity. Also on the island of Orust, suffered a hundred households of power outages because of the weather.”

“A landvarning class 2 from the Swedish meteorological and hydrological institute means a väderutveckling which can mean”

“the Warnings have three levels, where the third one is the sharpest. Where to talk about. ”