‘My yndlingsjulegave. Now I can take my little daughter to ski.’

So writes the american ski legend Bode Miller at Instagram in the days after christmas, when the many double gold-winner shows a picture of his christmas gift.

A pair of skis with the image of his daughter Emmy printed on the top side.

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My favorite Christmas present. Taking my baby girl skiing today.

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In itself, a cute and inventive christmas present, if one does not also know the Miller and the daughter’s history, which then also makes the gift very touching.

For the story behind the skis are even very tragic.

In June 2018 endured Bode Miller and his wife Morgan Beck Miller: their life’s greatest tragedy when their 19-month-old daughter, Emmy, on the awful show died in a horrible drowning accident in the swimming pool in the couple’s home.

Morgan Beck Miller had visited the neighbor with his daughter, and when Emmy suddenly had disappeared, they began to look for her. They found her in the pool, supposedly she was even jumped in, and they began to resuscitate her while an ambulance was summoned.

She was in critical condition taken to hospital, but her life was not to save.

An incredible and unimaginable sadness hit the Miller family, who ever since have struggled with the pain and grief over the loss of their little daughter, Emmy.

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Merry Christmas to our baby girl in heaven. We miss you so much! …….. 2018 has been a year full of overwhelming sadness and overwhelming joy. We have spent half of the year mourning and attempting to heal the loss of our angel which feels like an impossible battle all while celebrating the birth of our son. Seeking normalcy for our children has been our driving force forward. Normally I would be looking forward to a “fresh beginning” in 2019 but there is no more starting fresh after the loss of a child. So here’s to a healthy 2019 full of personal growth and creating many memories with my babies, full of smiles and laughs. Wishing everyone a special holiday season surrounded by loved ones.

A spread shared by Morgan Miller (@morganebeck) the

‘The Millers’ and their four children shared in the christmas picture on Instagram, where they posed with the image of their dead sister/child. A loss, you never get over, but as they eventually learn to live with.