“Professor: Many have suffered unnecessarily,”

“Estrogen relieves in most cases klimakteriebesvären – yet refrain more than nine out of ten women from the hormones. The treatment has been discredited, according to professor Mats Hammar. Now new advice and guidelines be developed.”

“The most effective way to treat symptoms for menopause is to again increase the amount of estrogen in the body. It is namely the lack of the hormone that makes many suffer from hot flashes and dryness of mucous membranes.”

“In the mid-1990s as many as every other woman in menopause estrogen. But shortly after the turn of the millennium came an american study which showed that there is an increased risk of heart attack, and is now relinquishing more than nine out of ten women.”

“– It did that hormone replacement therapy came into disrepute. Authorities tightened up their guidelines and use plummeted, ” says Mats Hammar, professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Linköping university.”

“Study from the united states, however, had been made at the average age of women in the 60-70 age where many have already suffered from diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity,” explains Hammer.”

“Later follow-ups have on the contrary shown that estrogen, rather, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease in women who start treatment before age 60. That women have their final menstrual period before 40 to 45 years of age and should be urged hormone replacement therapy – even if they don’t have any trouble.”

“– It means not only that many had unnecessarily much trouble, but also that some have been subjected to an increased risk of premature mortality.”

“the New advice and guidelines”

“Despite the results advocate the authorities are still in the lowest possible dose for as short a time as possible. On Vårdguidens website is, for example, that estrogen may be used in a maximum of five years.”

“Quite wrong, according to Hammar, who for the Swedish society for obstetrics and gynekologis (SFOG) bill now is writing about specialistföreningens advice and guidelines.”

“– We will go against these very strict advice, and hope that the Swedish medical products agency and the national Board of health eventually do the same, ” he says.”

“in Contrast, women who take estrogen keep an eye out with regard to the risk of breast cancer, which increases by up to 50 per cent after five to ten years of use. This means that a livstidsrisk to get breast cancer at ten percent increases to 15 percent, according to Hammar.”

“– But it is only on estrogen use combined with progestin, only estrogen does not seem to increase the risk of cancer.”