“The murder of women, more common in Norway than Sweden”

“It is committed few murders in Norway compared with Sweden – but the victims are more often women.”

“– A sign that fewer men will kill other men here than in other countries, ” says Norwegian mordforskaren Vibeke Ottesen SAID.”

“In 2018, killed a total of 28 people in 27 cases of murder or homicide in Norway, according to a survey made by the news agency NTB. Ten of the victims – 36 per cent – were women. In eight cases they were killed by a man they had or had had a relationship with.”

“In Sweden, whose population is about twice as large as Norway’s, have the corresponding statistics for last year are not offentligtgjorts than. But in 2017 was concluded, according to the national council for Crime prevention (Brå) 113 cases of lethal violence in Sweden. In 27 cases (24 per cent) where the victim is a woman.”

” It’s not dangerous to be a woman in Norway. When homicide in close relationships represent a major part of the statistics, it is a sign that fewer men will kill other men here than in other countries, ” says Vibeke Ottesen, researcher at the department of social psychology at the university of Bergen, SAID.”

“Last year mordstatistik is roughly in line with the 2017 in Norway.”

“– It was as expected to get murder in Norway also in the last year, as it has been in decades. It is mainly because we in Norway have small social differences and good opportunities for social mobility, ” says Vibeke Ottesen.”

“A zero vision she sees, however, as unrealistic.”

“– the Reason we have so few murders is that we have done what we can at the community level. In order to further reduce the number of murders we have to go down to the individual level. Then must the needs of the community not to have murder to be balanced against the individual’s right to freedom.”

“In 2018, killed a total of 28 people in 27 cases of murder or homicide in Norway.”

“Ten of the victims were women, thirteen were men, five were children.”

“Eight of the victims were women murdered by a man they had or had had a relationship with.”

“In two of the cases were gärningspersonen under the age of 18 years.”

“The most common morvapnet was a knife.”