once Again a few kilos too much on the scale? How great it would be if there were a magical Powders, the pounds will tumble, without compromising their own health. In fact, to be offered on the Internet countless supplements and diets, all of which are exactly the promise of green tea extract on the medicine Xenical to a basic diet. But what is the slimming aid good from a scientific point of view? We have taken the ten methods under the magnifying glass.

The slimming pill Xenical, which inhibits the breakdown and absorption of fat molecules in the bowel, the fat is undigested is excreted. A summary analysis of eleven studies showed that Orlistat – the Name of the active ingredient – nearly three pounds more weight loss compared to a placebo pill.
side effects : thin, oily stools, difficult to control bowel movements deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K).
conclusion : Orlistat may reduce the absorption of fat from the intestine and so help to lose weight, but only with some very unpleasant side effects.

raspberry Ketone raspberry Ketones are the substances that give raspberries their characteristic odor and taste. They are among the most popular substances for weight loss. In experiments with obese rats showed that raspberry Ketones can reduce the percentage of fat. Human trials were inconclusive. A small pilot study with five participants found no effect, in another 25 of the 70 participants gave during the study.
side effects , We know about it.
conclusion There is currently no reliable evidence to suggest that raspberry Ketones help in humans for weight loss.

Garcinia Cambogia extract the Garcinia Cambogia fruit is a tropical, about walnut-sized, whose shell is a lot of hydroxy citric acid (HCA). In animal experiments showed, that HCA slows down the fat metabolism. Clinical Trials with humans have been less successful. A trial with overweight women did not find an effect, two others.
side effects : Garcinia seems according to the National institutes of Health of USA (NIH) is relatively safe, Nausea, headache, and other mild symptoms can occur.
conclusion : Garcinia is not suitable as a slimming aid.

caffeine there’s No question that caffeine can in the short term, metabolic rate increase and fat-burning increase. In a study with overweight adults, a dose of eight milligrams of caffeine per kilogram of body weight increased the metabolic rate by 16 per cent – but only for three hours. In a long-term study with obese adults, however, showed no difference between the group of subjects that caffeine, and a control group that had received only a Placebo.
side effects : caffeine can lead to insomnia, Tremors, and dizziness.
conclusion : caffeine doesn’t increase the rate of metabolism, as a weight loss agent it but it’s no use.

In the United States is one Hydroxycut of the most popular slimming products. It consists of several ingredients, including caffeine as well as extracts from lady’s mantle, olive, cumin, and mint. From animal experiments there is evidence that the ingredients of Hydroxycut are driving the metabolism and the fat can promote combustion. A single study with 34 obese people showed a weight loss of 9.5 kg in three months. In this study, the manufacturers claim.
side effects : In the medical database PubMed, we find various case to a failure of the studies have serious side effects such as liver. Also: anyone Who is sensitive to coffee, will know in the case of Hydroxycut, the same side effects.
conclusion : There is only one study on this Supplement. Even if this was successful, a confirmation is missing, it is the lack of data Long-term, and the risk of side effects is not negligible.

Glucomannan , Glucomannan is a fiber from the Asian konjac-tuber. In the intestine, Glucomannan to bind water and of fullness, which leads to a lower calorie intake. Three studies of with a decrease have shown agree that Glucomannan can be used together with a healthy food in the five weeks to a weight loss of 3.5 to 4.5 kilos. In addition, there is evidence that Glucomannan blood fat and blood sugar values is positively influenced. In terms of weight reduction, a Test of the Stiftung Warentest, as well as an assessment of the National institutes of Health of USA (NIH) were, however, rather sobering.
side effects : bloating, flatulence, and loose stools are possible.
conclusion : In combination with a healthy diet can help Glucomannan probably lose weight and at the same time the blood fat and blood sugar levels lower.

green tea extract green tea extracts are found in many slimming supplements. Several studies have shown that epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a Main ingredient of green tea, can help burn fat. Researchers suggest that green tea boosts the activity of the hormone norepinephrine and enhanced fat combustion. Various studies have shown that green tea extracts to a moderate can contribute to weight loss, especially belly fat.
side effects : green tea is usually well tolerated.
conclusion : green tea and green tea extracts can boost the burning of fat easily and possibly help to lose belly fat.

Conjugated linoleic acids (CLA)
Naturally is CLA in Butter or cheese and counts as one of the “healthier” TRANS fats. Researchers suggest that CLA can suppress appetite, increase your metabolism and the reduction of body fat can stimulate. In an overview analysis of 18 studies showed that CLA can contribute to a slight weight loss.
side effects : CLA can lead to constipation, diarrhea, or other digestive disorders.
conclusion : The easy weight loss you can CLA achieve, outweighs the potential side effects.

bitter orange bitter orange contains the active ingredient synephrine. This is ephedrine, an active ingredient that has been for years adds slimming pills beige, due to severe side effects, however, before a couple of years in supplements was banned (in the USA). Synephrine is similar to ephedrine, but less strongly. It can restrain the appetite and stimulate the fat burning process, however, there are hardly any studies on this.
side effects : such As ephedrine can cause harm to synephrine may be the heart.
conclusion : synephrine has a stimulating effect, and may in the short term, may support in weight reduction. Caution is appropriate.

Alkaline diet
The good News first: An alkaline diet can actually work. However, only for the reason that the recommended foods – vegetables, salads, fruits, fruits, etc. – apply anyway as healthy (not harmful according to the alkaline diet are supposedly acid-forming foods such as sugar, grain products or meat). The theoretical concept behind the alkaline diet an alkaline environment in the body, to stimulate digestion, the well – being and weight loss without a scientific basis. Because on the one hand, our body adjusts with a sophisticated buffer system, the pH-value of blood very exactly to a value between 7,35 and 7.45, so slightly basic. It does not matter what we eat, the diet has zero effect on the pH of the blood! In addition, the environment in the gastro-intestinal tract strong to moderately acidic, and some of the most important building blocks in the body are also acids: fatty acids and the genetic material of the DNA molecule, for example.
side effects : A one-sided alkaline diet can overwhelm the body as well as a one-sided acidic diet.
conclusion : The basic diet is healthy and effective because it relies on fresh vegetables, fruits and fruits. On the acid-alkaline environment in the blood, the diet, however, has no influence.

The bottom line
Many of the offered slimming pills and powders not good for much really, some can help to burn always in combination with a healthy diet to lose a few pounds or more of fat. Green tea and green tea extract include, as well as the tubers extract, Glucomannan, with restrictions (unpleasant side effects) also the slimming pill Orlistat. Of all other supplements is rather discouraged.
The perfect diet means there is not, it remains think. The best recipe to lose weight, a healthy diet, a reduced calorie intake (less carbs, plenty of protein) and sports. And maybe some green tea extract or Glucomannan.

*This article first appeared on the 5. February 2018 to Tagesanzeiger.ch/Newsnet. In the context of an annual review, we publish selected texts again.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 01.01.2019, 08:35 PM