Broken Finger, severe burns – every year, the new year’s eve provides full emergency rooms in the hospitals. One reason for the frequent accidents could cheap be lighters from the far East. The premium manufacturers such as the French company BIC. Their estimates show that up to 86 percent of the small flame-throwers that are on sale in Germany would not comply with the European safety standards.

International standards to security promise

in fact, around 30 000 accidents in the European Union fire per year are attributable to witnesses, as studies show, in part with fatal consequences, such as third-degree burns or even death in some cases. The total cost for damages will amount to around a billion euros. Already in 2006 the EU had adopted-Commission is, therefore, an immediate decision to fire tools. It called for the member States, certain safety standards to be binding and to monitor.

What should be able to stuff a fire and what not, regulates the standard ISO 9994, or the standard EN 13869. This set targets for maximum Flammhöhe, resistance to high temperatures or to the durability in case of a fall. Two characteristics should agree consumers are particularly sceptical: a transparent container, and an adjustable flame. Because with existing Standards difficult to reconcile.

BIC accuses authorities of negligence before

BIC will feel in the fight against the cheap goods from the far East, however, left alone. The accusation: authorities would control the import of products in the EU is inadequate. Especially in Hamburg, the main port for the import of lighters, lacked the necessary customs controls. The manufacturer has lodged an appeal in October, therefore, lodged a complaint with the European Commission. “Over the years, it has developed the lighter a typical example of the condition of the market surveillance in Europe,” said François Clément-Grand court, the Director of the lighter division of BIC. The EU should oblige its member States to make the controls effective, and to punish violations.

make Trouble to the manufacturer according to still lighters that look like toys. Parts, which could be due to effects such as Flashing or special sounds interesting for children, are EU banned already for more than ten years. However, the ornate plastic with ignition device are tubes, some are still available.

the Ministry of labour sees no risk

in Germany, the competent Federal Ministry of labour, said in October that it had no evidence on the safety problems. All the lighters under the law on product safety of the fittings. You are likely to eventually be placed on the market, if properly applied, the “health and safety of persons not” at risk. Need to implement the law, the authorities of the individual countries. There are no security problems described in terms of lighters known, it said.

The manufacturer can build in Germany, at least on large trust of your buyers. 80 percent think it is important to ensure that fire witnesses to certain Standards – more than, for example, in the case of toys or cosmetic products. Similarly, many are sure, however, that basic safety requirements but adhered to also. A representative survey by the market research company Ipsos shows. Less than half believe, therefore, that of a cheap part, without brand awareness, a risk can be assumed.

More fire damage to the end of the year

Whether it was due to cheap lighters or dud caused stray rockets on balconies and firecrackers at the house wall, are the fireworks of the year are not uncommon, know also of the General Association of German insurance industry (GDV). In the past year, insurers have been after the Christmas and new year’s eve feiereien 45 percent more fire damage reported in the spring and in the autumn. Per apartment, fire damage, from an average of 3200 euros, so the estimate of the GDV.

To run out of new year’s eve party in the worst case, at least, financially successful, may be worth a look in the insurance documents. Five insurance companies eligible in the case of damage to persons or property namely: residential buildings insurance protects homeowners in case of damage caused to the building – for example, by exploding firecrackers. Is insured the entire building, including all built-in objects. Something happened in the house, for example, by fire or water, takes on the household insurance, the costs such as broken furniture or electrical appliances.

insurance for injuries

especially for city dwellers a danger: cars, which are set by fireworks in the fire or by an Explosion damaged. Here is the part of the insurance for the damage. The fully comprehensive insurance benefits in addition to damages when cars are battered in the new year’s eve willfully, without that the culprit can be determined.

More about

product safety the manufacturer Bic complains to EU about dangerous lighters

another Person even Comes by the Handling of fireworks to will damage the liability insurance. And who hurt themselves and in the long term, are the subject-matter, get services from the private accident insurance. Medical treatment is a matter for the health insurance costs.