For most people the only ‘real’ new year’s eve, when one puts themselves right in front of the television to follow along with queen Margrethe in the year 47. in the new year.

Quite different tend to look out for members of the association of Young Republicans who want to abolish the royal family.

– the Royal family is poison for democracy, reads it directly from the association’s national chairman, Magnus, Sæbye.

for several years he deliberately boycottet the queen’s new year’s speech

– She has no real political power, so what the queen thinks, I am not very much emphasis on. In an ideal society, she is a citizen in line with everyone else. I have nothing against the queen Margrethe as a person, but I have nothing against the institution itself, which, to put it mildly is a relic from the past and based on certain values, which are not compatible with them, otherwise we pride ourselves in Denmark, he explains to Extra Bladet.

– What is it about the royal family, In against?

– Young Republic is a gathering place for people who disagree with the government we have now. The royal family is poison for democracy. so one can say that the royal family does not have real power, but it is still the case that the queen leads the state council once a month, where ministers will be in front, and she must sign all laws. An institution that is based on. that one inherits its privileges and born to power, does not belong in a modern society, he makes it clear.

this year it will be a bit different though. He has on behalf of the Young Republicans, released its own new year’s speech, as can be seen above. And at the same time, he has decided to follow his royal ‘competitor’ in the tv.

Magnus Sæbye has this year made its own new year’s speech, which can be seen at the top of the article. Photo: Private

– Our hope is that by our advocacy, and our new year, that the danes want to think it over, that yes, she is a likeable person, but it is an outdated tradition and not least the institution she represents, he explains about the queen.

Danish royal – 26. may. 2018 – at. 15:09 Royalists berserk: Attacks young republicans at the Amalienborg

Young Republicans came in earnest in the media spotlight, as members of the association were attacked at Amalienborg castle in copenhagen, as they along with thousands of other danes, had turned up in the occasion of crown prince Frederik’s 50th birthday 26. may.

Magnus Sæbye, and several others from the Young Republicans were harassed at Amalienborg castle in copenhagen during the crown prince’s birthday. Photo: Private

While most bar on the flag, had the members of the association carried signs with the inscription ‘Abolish the royal family’.

A witness, as Ekstra Bladet spoke with on the day, called the scene for the ‘outright crazy’.

the Case was initially reported to the police, but the association ended, however, by withdrawing the notification, when a majority did not consider it ‘expedient’ to pursue the case.