Body Positive -a phenomenon encouraged to accept your body as it is. We asked obesity researcher Patrik Borg, can the good idea leads to excess weight the disadvantages of being undervalued.More and more Finnish people are fat.The body positivity movement encourages people to accept themselves as they are.Which is better, to be too skinny or a little chubby?The video explains who gain weight more easily these days.

Body Positive body positivity encourages everyone to be satisfied with your own body. For example, being overweight is seen as a personal characteristic, which does not need to strive to get rid of.

the Red thread is the idea that every body is beautiful.

the Phenomenon of spread strongly, especially on social media a couple of years ago. Many models, athletes and actors all over the world take the body positive transiting new.

recently, the paradigm has begun to receive criticism for allowing the attitude to overweight. Critics, being overweight is a health risk which should not be afraid to broach, because even the experts are afraid of offending the people the right to be exactly as he wants.

Critics also fear that the weight loss becomes embarrassing stuff, which is attributed to the inability to tolerate his own reflection in the mirror.

is a nutrition expert and the Finnish obesity researchers association’s president. He has followed the Body Positive effect in their work. What does he think of this debate?

1. What do you think generally Body Positive phenomenon?

Body positivity is a good thing. Time hard is it to see anything bad in it, that every might be pleased with herself and her body regardless of body size. Yes it is only a good thing and empower people to feel better in other areas of life.

Essential is to understand that the body positive command in the new is all about, that can feel satisfaction regardless of whether overweight or not. Now it seems that some want to understand the phenomenon so that the satisfaction is to experience therefore that is overweight. So think about the critics or the type of body positive transiting new I do not support.

2. Can overweight become a taboo, which does not dare to interfere? What can dieting be embarrassing and a sign that can’t accept himself?

Obesity, which means the already large overweight, is a health risk. If it is still not realized from the individual to a health risk, as according to studies, for many even that is a matter of time. As with other health risks, obesity have to be able to talk. It is about how the matter is raised.

can we Talk in a way that appreciates the people and help him to a better weight control in a society where weight-control is complicate, and people have large differences in the weight management of resources in taustojensa? Understand whether a weight management frame of reference? Can we talk about the way in which obesity is entirely man’s own fault and which he should be able to just pull yourself together, eat less and move more? It’s the talk of the instructions does not understand the weight management of any any.

No of weight loss to be embarrassing, if the excess weight is. On the other hand, it would be great if kitukuuri like losing weight would be to experience a little bit empty, because there will not be a solution to weight or welfare. Any body positive to be measured does not mean that do not need to change their lifestyle in order to can in order to better as well as lose weight.

3. Whether it is mild on the excess weight impact health?

that Depends on what the health area will be considered and in what time span. I would say that the little excess weight is a small health risk, and the largest overweight is a greater health risk. As also underweight is a health risk.

These are the talk, of course, the big research data findings, and always find a minority of individuals, which phenomenon does not hold. I don’t need any intimidation or exaggeration of overweight disadvantages, but can not say that the excess weight was a health risk.

4. Which one is your health better slight over – or underweight?

a Slight under – or overweight is therefore, on average, a small health risk. Of course, at the individual level it can estimate much better when you know the exact human body composition, lifestyle and health information.

Then you can see situations where a little overweight is hardly any health risk. Excess weight, for example, can be, for example, muscular development due to the waist circumference of the normal and way of life of being healthy.

Without such data must, however, on average, found ali – and ylipainot health risks. The farther from the normal weight you go, the improbable weight of healthy changes.

5. Dare you talk to your client of weight loss health effects?

of Course, if you need to. Weight talking is not difficult for me. Often, however, there is no need. People in the know tell you these things. If you feel that the information is useful, then I’ll tell you.

the Second thing is again it, how to speak. Weight management with a lot of work to do are built in the weight management of the broader framework of understanding, and as a consequence also savvy about how a large part of the people has struggled with the weight of years. They need to understand to help shortlist.

the Talk is from this starting point, usually easier, because the problems are tackled together. Not so that someone else tell you what to do.

6. How do you know that there is a reason to lose weight?

the Time rarely I would advise lose weight it regimen mind to what it most means. Instead, it is always good to consider, could some of the lifestyle to improve, to be able to cope better, had a better mood and be healthier. These things help at the same time weight management.

going to bed early, work stress management, anxiety relief, more constant meals and an active lifestyle, which is fun and nice hobbies. They consist of as well as a good weight control, good weight loss and vibrant life.

They should always think about and improve – and especially if the waist circumference or weight is increased clearly more than the recommendations.

7. What about middle-age and overweight? Would older time just accept ylikilot?

ikääntyessa bag you should always think about the lifestyle of a pimp in a way that supports weight management and ability to function. The diet that is rarely.

8. Child obesity is on the rise. Especially them body positivity should be important. How children’s overweight should be addressed?

Finland has a lot of professionals who can intervene nicely, although, of course, belongs to another kind, too.

the most important thing here is of course prevention. The family way of life are at best inherently such, that excess weight will become less likely to: have clear dreams, there is a clear meal rhythm, offers varied cuisine and children, there are other stimuli than the screen. These implementation and a flexible boundary is an important part of parenting.

If the overweight comes, the ideal mode is changed to family practices and children not vastuuteta weight. The ideal mode, he doesn’t know the target. Always it is not possible, but all shots should be put on prevention.

9. What kind of obesity researchers see the finns being overweight within 20 years?

Actually, all the key weight management affect the lifestyles seem to be going in a weaker direction, or at least not improved. Sleep decreases, stress increases, vegetables eating number now turned to a decline, the meals are spread, eating flexible grip and body I listen to seem to decrease. The only movement must be unchanged. These trends could be a pessimist.

on the other Hand, I think our recommendations go all the time a better direction. Understanding weight management from increase in professionals, and trendienkin the crowd is a good phenomena. I really am optimistic that obesity increases the folds yet.

10. What weight management related debate is the most wrong?

It is seen only syömisenä and as a movement, although the weight management in there are other at least equally important themes: stress and tired, society around them and human history.