“Beware – Facebook sells out democracy,”

“Debater: We must for the EUROPEAN elections have legislation that prevents the misuse of personal data and manipulation”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. The manipulations of elections must be stopped already at the EU-level. Not least in view of the upcoming european Elections in may next year. “

“I work with a proposal for stronger EU legislation against manipulation of the väljarbeteenden, the storage of personal information and the foreign funding and interference in member states’ election campaigning.”

“last summer announced Steve Bannon, Donald Trumps former valstrateg and one of the american alternativhögerns frontfigurer, that he offers of the nationalist right-wing parties in 13 european countries their help in the election campaign next year.”

“His newly-formed organization for the purpose, The Movement, has its basis in a luxury villa in a wealthy suburb of Brussels, the EU capital. But the attempt to influence voters through social media should be controlled and monitored carefully and be subject to stricter rules to not allow the same manipulation as happened in the famous case of the Cambridge Analytica, which by all accounts in a decisive way influenced as well the referendum in the Uk about brexit and the presidential elections in the united states in 2016.nDärför must the EU ahead of elections next year particularly the sharpness of the protection of personal data on the Internet.”

“the Manipulation of personal user data on Facebook has definitely played a role”

“Even if the Bannons offer was rejected by many parties, is his threat of intervention in the coming european Elections very problematic. Several member states, including Sweden, has weak laws regarding foreign involvement in the elections. The scandal surrounding the Cambridge Analytica also shows that social media, not least Facebook, has become a tool for the impact of choice unprecedented in the history of democracy.”

“the Manipulation of personal user data on Facebook has definitely played a role in the outcome of the british referendum on membership in the EU and in the us presidential election. Both elections are also being explored by a number of law enforcement agencies in the united states and the united kingdom.”

“Facebook’s manipulations and the identification of how the users behave can best be described as behaviouristiska – the controversial direction in psychology, which is about learning and behavior research at the experimental level and that is not always väjt for the drastic and unethical experiments with humans as guinea pigs.”

“today, measures and stores the social media users’ reactions in a variety of parameters that create a psychological profile of the individual. How fast you press the keys, for example.”

“You write faster about a topic that you are familiar with the”

“Why measure Facebook, Google and others? For you write faster about a topic that you are familiar with. Keep in mind, for example, how slow most non-mathematicians use when writing mathematics, for example. Thus, it can be the basis of speed of writing decide which topic you are familiar with.nMäts this for a long time created an accurate profile of the person in question.”

“Lowered the volume when you saw the movie? Or screwed you up? Know any social nätgigant something about you that they can mate with other data they collected.”

“Everything is measured and collected by algorithms and stored for future use. The EU’s digital ombudsman, claiming that Facebook, Google and other social nätgiganter can do a survey to 98 percent can predict how the user intends to act in the future.”

“Already in 2012 lent themselves to Facebook to a psychological experiment to measure the reactions of the users – which was kept unaware – of the alternately happy and sad message. The results were published in a reputable scientific magazine, and led to the justified criticism against the company.”

“in the Same year discovered the Facebook founder and boss Mark Zuckerberg to when users let the users spread the information that they were organ donors, increased the number of notifications to the organregistren radically over the country. “

“When users in the 2010 mellanval could add a ”I voted icon” increased the number of votes in the entire united states with 340,000 votes.”

“The two examples above may seem to be innocent. No one can have any more people to become organ donors or that the turnout increases. “

“But manipulationslustan within Facebook has accumulated enormous data banks which mapped the users down at the individual level. And when these data are used to manipulate how the voters vote, or might vote, have a limit passed by a wide margin.”

“Before the presidential campaign in 2016, offered Facebook, incidentally, both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump to embed personnel from the company in their respective kampanjorganisationer, according to the prestigious magazine The New Yorker. Clinton’s people said no, Trump said yes.”

“Cambridge Analytica subsequently suspected to have come over the 230 million americans röstregistreringsdata and to have disposal over 87 million Facebooksanvändares personal data is far beyond serious. “

“Facebook’s own survey also shows that påverkanskampanjer from the Russian trollkonton posted 80 000 posts during the presidential campaign, and reached over 26 million americans. As a legislator, I almost had to pinch me in the arm.”

“Even if the level of readiness for the election next year has been raised within the EU in order to repel the foreign intervention, it is important to the protection of personal information. To prevent the parties at european level and to abusing and violating the dataskyddreglerna will be a first step.”

“Therefore, the EU must tighten up the regulation that protects personal data on the Internet. The referendum in Britain on EU membership in 2016 and the presidential elections in the united states in the same year revealed how social media can be misused to affect a valutgång. “

“the Degree of mapping, and the extent of how far påverkansoperationerna reach trumps önskedrömmarna on the control and influence of the dictatorship. “

“on the Contrary, we have users usually themselves – completely voluntarily – provided to them from the beginning.”

“Paradoxically, it is this huge mapping is not made possible by illegal methods. On the contrary, we users usually themselves – completely voluntarily – provided to them from the beginning. Only then has the legally questionable manipulation and vidarespridningen of personal data could take place.”

“Therefore, is not the question of guilt in how who has manipulated what is the most important in the case of the Cambridge Analytica and its manipulations. “

“It is that we as legislators must now do everything to get in place a law that prevents this type of abuse of personal data and the manipulation of democracy.”

“nJasenko Selimovic, mep (L)”

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