“The art of being an arrogant snorunge”

“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“Not to brag, but I’ve never believed in the plot. It is hardly my own merit. Rather, can reality be due to a certain laziness of the adults in my environment – no one bothered to dress up at christmas and even less can sustain the myth that a round, red man would be able to get into our apartment unnoticed on christmas eve.”

“As a result of this was my childhood, free from the threat of cancellation of christmas gifts in the event of mischief. Life as a teasing big sister flowed on regardless. Any kindness was never in fear of santa’s wrath.”

“the Plot to create problems.”

“So it is not for everyone. The vast majority of young children in the united states believe in the plot, and the same thing applies in the Uk. Somewhere around the age of eight, bursting the lie and the problems begin. The authors of a scientific article published in the Lancet Psychiatry found that tomtelögner can lead to problems of confidence between parents and children. How can you trust someone who lied about something as important as the plot?”

“Not just the child concerned about santa’s whereabouts. In the German city of Roth was the politicians afraid that collections of wish lists to santa were able to breach the EU’s new dataskyddsförordning GDPR. As a result, they barred this year the kids to hang their wish lists of the city’s large christmas tree.”

“the EUROPEAN commission has reassured them. Apparently, it can be considered a part of santa’s tasks to collect wish lists, and therefore the tradition does not violate the law.”

“‘ the site should have the families contact information so that he can deliver the presents on the wish list he received – provided that the parents agree to this in the case of minors,” said a spokesperson from the EUROPEAN commission to the newspaper Politico.”

“The German kids get to hang their lists on the tree and all is peace and joy. If it is doing them to please or more suspicious citizens remains to be seen.”

“Harry Potter creates the SSU-club”

“unless one is anti-fascist after reading the Harry Potter books should Polish the glasses. The story is clear as a bell – Voldemort is a trollkarlsnazist possessed by they knew who refer, notice and radikaliserar followers to take over the world and subdue the non-magical. The main character Harry Potter creates a sort of SSU-club on steroids (Dumbledore’s army) where they learn actual combat political apathy and vardagsondska. A typical studiecirkelverksamhet culminates in a trollkarlskrig where the good guys win.”

“Harry Potter teaches children what evil is. The books describes why the evil Voldemort joins Voldemort, and why some of them drop out. It explains how bad journalism creates drives which benefit the right-wing extremists, when the unscrupulous Rita Skeeter smears of Harry and his mentor Dumbledore in the trollkarlsvärldens largest rag. The Harry Potter books is simply a training that democracy is not free.”

“Beware of the women in gloves”

“”the Witches” is an odd children’s book about an English boy whose parents die in a car crash. He may move back home to his Norwegian grandmother, who turns out to have been working as a witch-hunter. The grandmother teaches him the noble art to recognize a witch, for the uninitiated, I can tell that it is the big pictures since nostrils, blue saliva, square tålösa feet, baldness (and itchy wig) and chlorine (thus also gloves) to look after.”

“In a guesthouse on the English coast happen to unfortunately boy end up in the middle of the magical annual meeting and be transformed into a mouse. Fortunately, he notes, and the grandmother at the end of the book, does it mean that the two will die at about the same time. The witches gave me a more relaxed relationship to death (but a more tense such to the women with the gloves).”

“the SVT trills arrogant toddlers”

“But in the same way as Grynets feminist struggle created the cheeky girls became Allram Eest a role model in his jobbighet. That eight year old girl, it was not completely wrong to add themselves to with a bit of arrogance and self-centredness, if not only to weigh up the patriarchate’s inevitable training to be invisible.”

“the Patriarchal films provide more grandchildren.”

“the Number of patriarchal fairy tales you peppras with through childhood is hardly possible to count; disneyprinsessor saved by handsome men, tonårsböcker about glorifying destructive heterorelationer and shocking many movies that do not pass the Bechdeltestet (to two women in the film are talking to each other about something other than a man).”

“I was thirteen when I saw the first twilightfilmen. Based on the books by Stephenie Meyer is the four american films about a destructive romance between a 104 year old vampire and a collegetjej. The film was exciting and he was good looking. Unfortunately, they were also bristling with anti-abortpropaganda and warped images of relationships.”

“the Vampire Edward, despite his long experience of life has not learned much about contraception, and when the main character Bella becomes pregnant refuses she bravely abortionist vampyrfostret that started to eat her up from inside. The author Meyer is a religious mormon, and oppose abortion. That so many young girls hooked on the series and identified with the abortvägrande the main character can’t be seen as anything other than a successful conservative political campaign.”

“Tips for the day”

“who is not influenced by the fairy tales and stories are either superhuman or a careless reader. The vast majority of fairy tales are political, of good and evil. Therefore think carefully jullovets film and bokkonsumtion. Do not give her daughter a twilightfilm for christmas if you don’t want to be granny. Högläs Harry Potter if you want to contribute to the future of antinazism. Call Allram Eest or Roald Dahl if you want to burn on the self-esteem of a small.”

“do not lie, if the plot only.”