the Real friends can not be bought for money.

this is the sound of the well-known doctrine, but something could indicate that it does not quite hold when it comes to the Danish royal family.

the Financing of the queen’s new vegetable garden at Gråsten Slot 22 million dollars has just been approved by the Danish parliament’s finance committee, and of the universal credit it appears that the project largely paid for by the royal family’s billionaire friends.

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the Family Clausen, who is one of the country’s wealthiest families and is behind Danfoss has, through two of their funds coughed up with 8.6 million dollars, while Hong Kong billionaire Michael Jebsen supports with 100,000 crowns.

in the BHJ Fund Sydbank Fonden and Aage and Johanne Louis-Hansens Fond and the state and the city of Sønderborg Municipality spat in the box.

How is funded the vegetable garden

7.7 million dollars

5 million

900.000 kroner

900.000 kroner

250.000 kroner

the 100,000 crowns

5.3 million dollars

1.6 million

(Source: ministry of Culture)

According to Christoph Ellersgaard, who is assistant professor at CBS and co-author of ’the power elite’, are the two well-known rigmænds generous contribution to the vegetable garden is no surprise.

– It is an expression of a gaveøkonomi, where the royal family and the big erhvervsfamilier itch each other on the back, he says.

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Christoph Ellersgaard tells that rigmændene and the royal family can be considered friends. On the way by rigmændene nor with security, if they get something for their money, but they do most often.

– It can be it comes at a time, but then one knows that the royal family may participate at the opening of a new Danfoss factory or an export promotion, explains Christoph Ellersgaard.

Just the Danfoss family and Michael Jebsen has over time helped the royal family members financially and to be paid back in the form of titles and invitations to everything from weddings over state visits, with access to politicians and business promotion.

Danfoss has again and again had the royal family on board their private jets and, in 2014, purchased prince Joachim out of the Schackenborg Castle.

All the while was Michael Jebsen so kind as to buy the prince’s shares in Schackenborg Inn, as he lacked the cash to buy a new house to Alexandra in the wake of skilmissen.

in turn is Jørgen Mads Clausen, who may be regarded as one of the chief of the fathers of the Danfoss family, dignified with the title as chamberlain, while Michael Jebsen can call themselves the same.

Gråsten Palace is the queen’s summer residence, and the organic herbs and vegetables from the existing vegetable garden of 7500 square meters is being used in the queen’s food, when she resides at the castle.

The new vegetable garden will be decorated on new and to attract tourists to the area. There will be built a visitor centre, conservatory and paradehus, and the weaker should be able to get on the right keel by working in the garden.

Danfoss funds have not had the opportunity to participate in an interview, and Michael Jebsen Foundation has not responded to the newspaper’s inquiries.

Peder Damgaard, who is the president of the BHJ Foundation, says that the fund supports the vegetable garden with 900,000 kronor for a number of reasons.

– the BHJ Fund belongs in Gråsten, and the entire company behind the belongs to the town of Gråsten. We also support, because the project has the social aspect to it, where the weaker citizens to be accommodated, says Peder Damgaard.

Jess Olsen, who is the chairman of Sydbank Fund, explains that they have supported due to the locality.

– We support, because the project lives up to our purpose. We must support cultural and popular work in the south jutland region of the country. We get many applications, and we thought that it was an exciting project.