It is perhaps not something that is talked so highly about in the castle courtyard, behind the walls in the castle gardens or in the royal chambers.

But the bill for the royal family is far greater than the royal family itself, when it presents the economy in the annual accounts year after year, or when the country’s politicians are once again presenting the budget bill, where apanagen.

Several aktindsigter and research in the various agencies, ministries and other public agencies reveals that apanagen only represents a little more than a quarter of the total cost of the royal family.

The well-known and often talked about apanage spoke 105.800.891 crowns in 2017.

Include it, however, all costs, including, for example, the large print job to the royal guard, the royal yacht Dannebrog and the maintenance of the castles, the smoking bill suddenly up at the colossal 386.100.912 crowns.

Here is the full bill

First through aktindsigter and research in a number of public bodies, it has been possible to gain insight into the extent of the expenses incurred in connection with the royal family.

the Figures apply to 2017.


Adjudantstaben: 6.3 million. crowns Jagtkaptajnen: 1.3 million. crowns Danish: 41,6 million. crowns Flights: 3.3 million. crowns The Royal Guards Vagtkompagni and Bands: 122,7 million. crowns also seen: 30,8 million. crowns


Chasing Approx. Dkk 500,000 to dkk

Slots and the Danish agency for culture

Møbelreparationer: 1.011.228 crowns the Renovation of castles: 15.641.927 crowns Heating: 2.256.107 crowns

prime minister

Apanage: 105.800.891 crowns Vat: 9.682.091 crowns

foreign affairs :

Official travel: 2.308.668 crowns

the ministry of Justice:

PET: at Least 40 million. crowns


a police escort of the royal guard: 2.6 million. crowns


The royal salonvogn: 300.000 kroner*

386.100.912 crowns


the Royal family received 50 free BroBizzer to the great belt. It has the Sound and Belt previously disclosed to Additional Magazine. Thus saving to the crown the 240 dollars it costs to cross the bridge.

the Royal family also receives the Travel card from the DSB.

*DSB can not determine the price, but instead refers to an estimate made for the prime minister’s office in 2010.

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According to Sebastian Olden-Jørgensen, who is the historian at Copenhagen University, specializing in the royal family, it benefits the royal family’s image, that the cost is spread.

On the way they seem cheaper than they really are because the general public find it difficult to get an overview of the real cost.

– They have of course an interest to appear as cheap as possible. It is evident. But one must keep fixed in that they do not even have tried to hide the cost, ” says Sebastian Olden-Jørgensen.

the Royal family-the expert considers that there is room for savings, when you take into consideration that the state, in addition apanagen also pay the royal family’s protection, foreign travel, transport and rent.

– These ongoing two-percent-savings, as many governmental institutions be required in these years shows, that you of course can save, but the question is, perhaps, whether you can get the same for less money, says Sebastian Olden-Jørgensen.

Author Søren Jakobsen, who has written books about the upper class and the royal family, think that you without problems can cut a specific place in the royal budgets.

– In England has rid itself of the equivalent to the royal yacht, and the same you can do in Denmark.

– the Ship sails the queen around in small provinshavne, as she could just as well be driving in his Rolls-Royce, says Soren Jakobsen.

the Royal family on austerity measures: We screw up and down.

the Royal family has just run its new chief financial officer, Dan Folke Pedersen, in position, and Folke Pedersen has already got a grip on the finances.

He will not, however, say, if there is room for savings in the royal budget.

– it Is possible for the crown to make savings in their own budgets?

– We look continuously at how we need to turn the volume up and down, and where there is the opportunity for tangible savings. But to say that we generally need to save on the total cost – I can’t.

– We work from a premise that we need to get the best out of the money we have been entrusted. This is the framework we have. We will not and ask for more money, but we’re trying to get budgets to hang together over the years.

– Are you so care about the royal family’s expenditure, counts of 100 million or 200 million dollars, as long as the budgets hold?

– I don’t care about anything but the economic framework is decided politically, and therefore it is not something I relate to. I make sure to get the funds to row as far as possible.

– If the royal family can turn the volume down for the cost of one year, can we not also do it in general?

– It can always discuss, but if, for example, nedprioriterer a vedligeholdelseskonto one year, delaying an expense, which then comes on a second time. It’s about to get the cost spread over the years.

– What reflection does the royal family itself, for example, when booker Defence aircraft, or the Flag?

– You make the necessary considerations. I can’t say much more about.

– Do you thoughts whether or not to use the transports too much in the relationship to keep the cost down?

– Yes, in general we are very cost conscious about the various means used. Some things are more expensive than others, but we think continuously about what we do, so we spend the money wisely.

– What do the royal family that the country’s politicians have decided that prince Henry, apanage accrue to the queen?

I have no comments to.


Professor: We don’t know their value

Is the royal family worth the money?

this is The big question, as many throughout time have tried to answer.

Some believe that the royal family has a high promotional value, when they give hand to foreign heads of state, and that they are invaluable for the Danish companies to have with the export drive.

Conversely, is liable to many, it is merely unsubstantiated claims.

According to the Bent Greve is professor in social sciences at Roskilde University, there are no scientific studies in this area, and therefore is also not about the royal family benefits the economy.

– I have not seen any study that says neither one or the other. If you did not have a royal family, you would probably need to have a president, and what it would then cost both in security and other, is hard to know, says Bent Greve.

He believes that the lack of knowledge in this area is because it is complicated to study the samfundsværdien.

– It is quite difficult to determine the value, and it will require some very large estimates to find the value of export promotion, believes the professor.

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