After a week long dispute with Brussels, the adjusted budget of Italy is final: the house of representatives voted by a majority for the budget bill – under the Protest of the Opposition.

After a months-long dispute with the EU Commission and the internal strife is the Italian budget for the coming year approved finally. The chamber of deputies in Rome approved the budget law 313 to 70 votes.

Previously, the Senate had voted in favour of it. The coalition of the populist Five-star movement and right-wing Lega recently had to make sensitive Changes to the draft, a criminal case of the EU, to avert the Commission against Italy. The authorities in Brussels had rejected the original budget plans with a targeted high level of new debt in an unprecedented operation.

Brussels is located at the end of the dispute

EU financial Commissioner Pierre Moscovici said on Twitter, now you’ll be watching the implementation of the budget. At the same time, he stressed that “dialogue” with Rome, it was always to the compliance with the common rules, never for individual measures.

had agreed shortly before Christmas, Rome and Brussels to reach a compromise. Instead of the originally planned 2.4 percent of the borrowing should be in the coming year to 2.04 per cent of economic output. The deadline for the ratification in Parliament would be run on Monday. The Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte showed up after the vote satisfied. The Italians would feel the positive effects of the plans very soon, he said, according to news Agency Ansa.