at The last Moment, the HCD has reached the semi-finals, can, together with the Team Canada for familiarity. On the other hand, the Stars from the KHL, not more, struggling with Kuopio and Nuremberg, two tournament debutants without a Star to be in the final. But OK-President Marc Gianola looks confidently into the future. There’s never been a conflict, the tournament is in existence threatened.

“The League blackmailed the HCD,” was a newspaper title in the spring of 2012. “If Davos is not thrown, then we play!”, ZSC-CEO Peter Zahner threatened. And after the Grisons had finished with their competitors a contract that guaranteed that the League makes the game operation in the altjahre week to 2021 rest, said President Gaudenz Domenig: “We have been blackmailed.”

The Spengler Cup, the lifeline of the HCD, was tapped. To ensure that the League personnel viewed the tournament, each non-invited Club per year, an average of 50 000 francs. The scale is progressive: In the first years, the HCD has to pay less in the later. In this year, where there is no second Swiss representative in the landwasser valley is, it means the eleven times of 60 000 francs. Velvet compensation for players out on loan plus the insurance premium of the HCD 2018 will transfer about 800’000 Swiss francs to his opponent. A amount of Marc Gianola “really hurts”.

Everything would be done for a Showdown

conversely, the competition is building new arenas: in Lausanne, Zurich, Fribourg, Ambri – arenas to be used. “The week between Christmas and new year is the best time,” says Zahner, “there are very many Fans who are at home. And to win new ones.”

so It would be done for a Showdown. With Domenig and Zahner as the key figures that are still in the same function. A HCD for the high compensation hurts. New financial incentives in the competition. A contract is about to expire.

has changed quietly. Is peace returns to the Scenes and to hear completely new sounds.

“The Spengler Cup is too important, as that is likely to endanger him lightly,” says Zahner, “you have to uphold the overall interests of the Swiss hockey .” And in Davos, Gianola says: “I see that all Clubs are satisfied with the current Situation.” The approach goes so far that the ZSC has since received an invitation to again participate in the tournament. Zahner said, because of the extra burden of the Champions League. However, a return to 1957 he concludes: “We would look into it.”

After the verbal assault, the no more sounds, more like the early phase of an ordinary negotiation. “You have to see if the HCD has the desire to have the Pause more exclusive,” says Zahner. If so, would the Clubs. It is then only to the amount of compensation. And when HCD Gianola flirts in order that you have made over the topic of “no thought”. He was already thinking out loud about it, to use the money for the League in the future otherwise. At the end of his conclusion, like that of Zahner sounds. The current solution was “a justified compensation for something, what you’re gonna get”. Whether your high voice but that was a different question.

An easy way to save money, has left the HCD last unused: to get a second Swiss Club at the Spengler Cup, which he would have to pay so as not to 60 000 francs. And will also have the opportunity to increase its profile on the national stage.

“the priority is always a Swiss team,”

The topic is sensitive. “Three factors are decisive for us,” says Gianola. “First of all, we need a certain sporty level – even if it sounds a bit weird to say this year as a HCD. Secondly, we teams want to have the pleasure to come. And, thirdly, an organization must be stable.” To apply for all the Teams, but “the priority has always been a Swiss team”.

Not always gained this impression. For this year’s harvest although there were Cancellations, such as those of Freiburg, the not want to get bogged down in the face of his construction of a production hall financially. Others, such as Ambri, or Biel, however, were not asking at all, although they promise to be quite the Fans and the desire of television to meet, to have a second language of the country in the tournament. Gianolas three criteria you currently meet even better than the HCD. And by the way, could increase their presence, the recognition value and the grandstands even better fill. Last year, 3000 Tickets remained totally unsold, this time Gianola expects to have 4000 to 4500. (

Created: 29.12.2018, 23:18 PM