“Words for the new debate”

“Cecilia Djurberg about this year’s bugs”

“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”

“the Council’s bugs often appears as a summary of the year’s current events, rather than a pure collection of new words. When the 2012 edition was presented lacked many of the hen after the debate been so intense. But the language council then considered that the word was too established for their criteria. In a new radio documentary from the Language of P1, we get to hear more about his path from awkward proposal, via genuspanik and ilsk debate, to a place in both the popular mind as the Swedish Academy glossary. “

“nNyordslistan 2018 contains several politically-linked words, which may seem already established. Gal-tan-the scale was something the public had to learn this election year, while it is well-known in political science. “

“Even beslutsblindhet is familiar in science. As a psychological concept, it has been used since the researchers from Lund 2005 showed a trick how easy it is to manipulate opinions. The same researchers presented a new report that showed how beslutsblindhet can lead to political åsiktsförändringar.”

“nHögaktuell during the year, but not new, was argumentationstekniken whataboutism – to respond to the criticism of a phenomenon by comparing it with another phenomenon. And after the election day, there arose an urgent need of the word mandatpingis, which we may hope to avoid having to use again.”

“the climate Debate is reflected in the nyordslistan with flygskam, which well speaks for itself. Also bokashi, a not entirely new, japanese komposteringsmetod, and nollavfall – a desire not to produce waste that cannot be recycled or composted – tagged in the new språkklimatet.”

“aquafaba broth from the beans, usually chickpeas, that can be used in place of egg whites in cooking”

“beslutsblindhet inability to detect the manipulation of the opinions and statements”

“bokashi method in which food waste is decomposed by fermentation”

“cyberhygien procedures for sound cyber-security’

“digifysisk that combines digital presence and a physical presence.”

“dm:a send direct message on the social media”

“e-the crown of the proposed digital process leading to which the public are to shop as a supplement to the cash”

“explainer short film or sequence that explains a given phenomenon, and as shown on the web”

“flossa dansrörelse where the straight arms swung from side to side while her hips swung from side to side like dental floss”

“flygskam sense of that from the environmental point of view is a reprehensible act to fly”

“förpappring organisational culture where it is constantly a requirement in the documentation”

“gal–tan-scale scale, where the political parties are divided according to different värderingsparametrar than the right and the left: green, alternatively, libertarianskt against traditional, authoritarian, nationalist.”

“gensax technology to modify the genome,”

“incel person in involuntary celibacy that consider themselves as sexually unattractive because of current social values”

“intryckssanera remove anything that might disturb the power of concentration”

“lårskav skin irritation between the thighs”

“mandatpingis counting where small changes make to the mandate of the bounce mellanolika parties”

“menscertifiera ensure or certify that it is taken into account to the women’s menstruation among other places”

“mikrootrohet it to disappoint a partner who promised fidelity, but where the treachery to be considered as less serious than a sexual relationship with another person.”

“någonstansare and varsomhelstare person who has, respectively, lack strong roots to a particular place”

“nollavfall quest to not produce any waste that cannot be recycled or composted”

“nätläkare digital services where the diagnoses are made by physicians who have contact with patients over the web”

“pyramidmatta carpet covered by sticking pyramidformer in the rubber placed at the railway tracks to prevent people from branches over the track area.”

“self-optimising strive to achieve the greatest possible improvement.”

“språkplikt demands on asylum seekers to participate in the teaching of English”

“spårpixel computer program that maps out how users are browsing on the web”

“stöddjur animals used to provide emotional support, amongst other things, travel”

“swishjournalist journalist who fund their activities through grants”

“techlash reaction to big business domination on the internet and to technology’s importance in everyday life”

“WAS the system for review in football”

“välfärdsbrott crime to avail of the grant scheme”

“whataboutism rhetorical skills to respond to the criticism of a given phenomenon by comparing it with another phenomenon”

“Source: Språktidningen”