Is it time to find alternatives to champagne, sparkling wine or whatever you normally serve when you and your nytårsgæster to bowls the new year?

Then Hardeep Rehal, barchef from the cocktail bar 1105, and the bartender Kasper Dam recipes in a variety of delicious cocktails ready for inspiration.

Hardeep has created three cocktails based on gin, rum and whiskey, and mixed with the ingredients, as many of you have left over from the christmas food.

All the cocktails can be seen in the image at the top.

new years and champagne go hand in hand. So why not bid your guests welcome to a beautiful and fresh champagnecocktail? The acid promotes the hungry, and generally just fond of champagne. Recycling kirsebærsovsen, which was left over from the risalamanden.

3 cl. Tanqueray Ten gin

2 cl. freshly squeezed lemon juice

1 cl. pickle or syrup from kirsebærsovsen

10 cl. champagne.

Gin, lemon juice and kirsebærsirup shakes together and sieved over in a champagne glass, which peaks with champagne. Yarns with the pickled cherries from kirsebærsovsen and the shell of the squeezed lemon.

Fits the champagne really to the cake? You ask a chef, a waiter or a vinmand, none of them recommend drinking the champagne to the cake. On the contrary, for it fits in no ways harmoniously together. Instead, try to drink a cocktail for the cake, which you can customise so that it matches the sweetness in the cake. So you can save the good champagne for the dinner or after nytårsbraget.

3 cl. Zacapa 23 rum

2 cl. amaretto

3 cl. freshly squeezed lemon juice

2 cl. syrup

2 cl. egg whites (pasteurised egg whites can also be used)

All of the ingredients, shakes together good and long, until one creates a good foam drink. Sies over in an oldfashioned glass (lowball) with ice cubes. Yarns with a slice of lemon, and evs. a little grated chocolate over.

After one has been frozen in the cold, and seen in nytårsfyrværkeriet, would you like to have the heat again. The easiest way is with good alcohol. Here’s a twist on a hot cocktail, which has given heat to the man in nearly 100 years. With this cocktail you can replace your Irish Coffee with grace, style and flavor.

5 cl. The Johnnie Walker Gold whiskey

2 – 3 teaspoon cane sugar or brown sugar

Encountered christmas spices (allspice, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, star anise)

8 – 10 cl. boiling water

1 teaspoon butter

dash of Nutmeg

Getting a little of the hot water in the bottom of a wine glass, dissolve the sugar in the water. Came then the spices and whisky in stir well. Pour in the rest of the hot water and the butter in, stir a bit around and finish with grated nutmeg on top. Yarns with a few whole pieces of the spices that are in the drink. F. ex. a cinnamon stick or star anise or whatever you have left from glöggen or julesmåkagerne.

Or what about a cocktail made on the snaps. One of Denmark’s best bartenders, Kasper Dam, presents here 3 recipes for whisky cocktails:

5 cl Aalborg Dild Akvavit

6-8 cl tomato juice good quality

1 cl freshly Squeezed lemon juice

0,5 cl of Worcestershire Sauce

Salt at will

Fresh ground black pepper at will

A splash of cayenne pepper

Garnish: a Bit of dill and a piece of celery.


All mix in a shaker and shake together. Please be aware that this recipe can vary greatly depending on the dosage of the spice and lemon.

5 cl Gin

1,5 cl Aalborg Jubilæumsakvavit

2 cl freshly squeezed lime

3 cl acacia honey

4 fresh raspberries

5 slices of fresh cucumber

Garnish: A raspberry and a rolled piece of agurkeskræl.


Raspberry moses along with cucumber in a shaker. The rest of the ingredients are added. Shakes hard! Finish in a low glass filled with crushed ice.

2,5 cl Red Aalborg Dined Akvavit

1,5 cl freshly squeezed lime

1,5 cl sugar syrup (1:1 sugar dissolved in water)

Top: Prosecco – about 8-10 cl.

Garnish: Twisted limeskræl


Red Aalborg, Lime and sugar syrup shaken together and poured into a fløjteglas. Prosecco poured hard into the glass in several stages, until the skummen decreases and the glass is filled. Play with the amount of lime. Some like it more sour than others.