On Sunday managed six men who claim to be iranians get ashore in a rubber dinghy on a beach in Kent in the Uk. The men have been sent to the country’s asylum authority, which will determine if they have uppehållsskäl in the country. They are the latest of over 200 iranians who tried to cross the strait in the autumn.

interior minister Sajid Javid has called the situation a ”special event” and interrupted their christmas holiday with the family to go back to London. He says that it is important to safeguard these people’s lives and security, at the same time that the country should avoid encouraging more migrants to cross the busy channel. A police officer has compared the dangerous journey to ”cross the M25 (major highway in London, red. note.) on foot during rush hour,” writes the BBC.

the French and british authorities for now, the dialogue over what to do about the situation. Several boats have been stopped at sea by a patrolling coastguard. Earlier in the week was a rubber boat with twelve passengers of a sidekick.

The English church has spoken out about the situation. They argue that it is important to show compassion for the migrants, especially since several of them are unaccompanied children.

” We must remember that it is about people. Around the country, we have celebrated a feast that is about hope and goodwill in the hågkoms of Christ’s birth. Let us not forget it, ” says Trevor Willmott, bishop of Dover, to The Guardian.

the answer to why so many iranians attempting the dangerous journey. The BBC writes that one reason may be that Serbia over a period of time offered a large number of iranian citizens a visa in the hope that it would strengthen the country’s economy. Around 40,000 iranians are estimated to have taken to the country on the balkan peninsula. There were suspicions that the program was abused by migrants who really wanted to other countries.

Visumerbjudandet was back in October, and now it could be that many iranians moving on to the north and west. Many of the iranians who took to the republic of Serbia are well educated and not infrequently the haves, which means that they can afford to pay smugglers for the trip across the channel, writes the BBC.

– the Number of iranians who come to Calais, has increased. They seem to be the only migrants who are both afford and does this, “says Maya Konforti, from flyktingorganisationen L’Auberge des Migrants, to the BBC.