A cyber attack on a publishing house has delayed in the Morning the pressure of several U.S. Newspapers. Expenditure came too late or not at all. Also affected were the “Wall Street Journal” and the “New York Times”.

Due to a cyber attack on the computer system of a publishing house, many Newspapers have readers in the USA its Saturday edition too late or not at all. Were affected the U.S.-according to media reports, Newspapers such as the “Los Angeles Times” and the “San Diego Union Tribune” in California, as well as the West coast editions of the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times. They all therefore use the same printing company in Los Angeles.

The problems delayed both the pressure as well as the delivery of the sheets. The media company, Tribune Publishing had discovered according to the Reports, on Friday, malicious software (“Malware”) on its servers.

attack from abroad?

More Details as to the origin or motive of the attack are not yet known. The cyber attack may come from outside the U.S., reported the Los Angeles Times, citing an anonymous source. However, it is still too early to say more Accurate. “We believe that the attack will be blocked by the infrastructure, more specifically, the Server said,” said the Informant. It was not, however, gone to steal information.

A spokesperson of Tribune Publishing did not confirm the suspicion that the attack came from abroad, according to the channel CNN.

#free press: the US media to fight back against Trump, 16.08.2018 Atlas |USA |Los Angeles

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