A Russian cosmonaut, who investigated a leak in an outer layer, on the international space station, ISS, informs a news conference that the hole had emerged from inside.

Thus, it can be denied that a meteorite may have caused the hole.

Now the puzzling case investigated by the Russian rumfartsmyndigheder, Roscosmos, writes the Associated Press.

Kosmonauten Sergei Prokopyev reports that Russian investigators have received the evidence, which he collected during a spacewalk 12. december.

Prokopyev tætnede during the crossing of the hole – which measured two millimeters – from the outside with the binder epoxy and gauze.

The Russian cosmonauts, Sergei Prokopyev and Oleg Kononenko (th.), examined on a spacewalk 12. december the hole in a space capsule that was docked to the International Space station, ISS. Photo: AP

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It caused a big concern, since the crew in august found a leak, which got the pressure in the space station to fall a bit.

A few hours later it was found out that the cause was a hole in the Soyuz rocket, which is coupled to the space station.

the Hole was sealed, and one has since had a stable press on the space station.

Prokopyev and two other astronauts returned the last week home to the Ground after a 197-day-long mission on the space station.

At a news conference Monday confirmed Prokopyev, that the hole had emerged from the inside rumkapslen. He believes that it is now up to the investigators to find out how it could happen.

On a question on, whether the hole might have been a product of deliberate sabotage, the Russian cosmonaut, according to the Associated Press:

– You should not have so low thoughts about the crew.

According to the authorities, was the hole does not immediately endanger Prokopyev and the crew members are Serena Aunon-Chancellor from NASA and Alexander Gerst of the european space agency, ESA.