“Stolligheterna we can expect next year,”

“the 2018 was not mankind’s greatest moment, whether internationally or in Sweden, but soon will, thankfully, a new year where we can expect new stolligheter on the road to death.”

“I don’t know if it is a mellandagsmoment of vision or a prophecy in the aftermath of the one closest to the backanalisk christmas holidays, but I’m pretty sure that this is what we have to wait for:”

“January. After a record-breaking shilly-shallying in regeringsfrågan, where Annie Lööf not understand why the democrats can’t push her policies and where Stefan Löfven does not understand Annie Lööf at all, go the initiative once again over to the Ulf Kristersson. Finally he gets C to release his government with the KD and SD, which to some extent due, by utmattningsmetoden. Jimmie Åkesson smackar pleased that Sweden got a ”new conservative block”, while the Moderatledaren claim that ”no advances” were made with SD at all. Annie Lööf says to the Alliance lives, but have ”taken a break”.”

“February. Sweden is hit by a snösmocka. Nothing else penetrates through the noise.”

“March. After having attracted the attention of the soon to be every medium the world over, are invited klimataktivisten Greta Thunberg in by the pope and take the train all the way to Rome. It is a difficult moment for the ambivalent christian democrats and editorialists on the värdekonservativa flank. “

“April. Even a child born in the royal family. The court has communicated the pregnancy, but this time no one really bothered to listen. Tacksägelsegudstjänsten broadcast yet in the SVT. Chris O’neill doesn’t attend. This is a problem because it is his child.”

“in May. It is the EU elections and before this the meteorologist Pär Holmberg stands for a personal and much-needed triumph for the green Party. Sweden’s neo-liberal puritans who tried to hammer home the message that Holmberg is a diktaturkramare revenge by defying the smoking ban at Stockholm’s outdoor cafes. No third-party understand the real logic.”

“June. It is skolavslutningstider and for those who bothered to listen to the re-emergence of a three, four, five-year-old debate on the church, the Swedish flag and the genusflummiga rektorkåren.”

“August. It is even drier. Isabella Löwengrip trumpeting out that she ends up flying for pleasure and charter rather than a state of the art boat powered by solid fuels to cross the Atlantic ocean when she ”must”.”

“September. An investigative journalist at dagens nyheter finds a million dollars in this year’s budget folded for Bergman-the year, an expense item that was left over from the transitional government. Ebba Busch Thor, now the culture minister, may, in the Current issue of what Bergman movie she likes the best, but can’t name a single one.”

“October. It has been quiet from Horace Engdahl worrying long when he is on one of the torsdagssammankomsterna propose to the Swedish Academy to actively work to revive Jean-Claude Arnaults cultural scene Forum. ”Anything else would be a new Salman Rushdie-disgrace” according to the engdahlska logic. When he lets escape that the Academy should lobby to give Arnault a new royal medal in prison jump author Lena Andersson of the train. Styles, and royal confirmations has no place in her liberal, rational utopia.”

“November. Just as dull as usual.”

“Then, fortunately, also by 2019-end.”