last week, the Riksbank raised the rate increase from minus 0.50 to minus 0.25 per cent. When governor Stefan Ingves announced interest rate decision, he added that we probably can expect more increases in 2019.

until the state-owned bank SBAB raised interest rates on their mortgages with variable interest rates and with fixed-rate periods one and two years. Now Swedbank, with more than 4 million retail customers in the same track.

– That the Riksbank raised the repo rate before the end of the year we waited for us. This decline has been preceded by increased market interest rates during the autumn, which, in turn, led to increased borrowing costs for us, so we have simply adapted to the market situation, ” says Gabriel Francke Rodau.

the Bank’s increase of 0.20 percentage points for both tremånadersräntan and ettårsräntan. For those who instead want to tie their loans in two years time if interest rates are raised by 0.15 percentage points. The customers who already have a mortgage loan at Swedbank can wait for normal increases of as much on the ränteändringsdagen.

– Depending on when ränteändringsdagen expires, will your mortgage be adjusted after the increase, in other words, it happens not with the customers ‘ mortgage loans until then, says Gabriel Francke Rodau.

do ränthöjningar, he says, is up to them to comment on. According to the TT even choosing Länsförsäkringar to raise interest rates on mortgages with fixed rate periods of three months, one year and two years.

“Because market interest rates have risen over a period of time, one can imagine that even our competitors will raise their interest rates, which the three major players have done already,” he adds.

the Other banks choose to wait before raising interest rates. At SEB, affected the decision, among other things, how the competition act.

“this type of decision, we will wait with until further notice, among other things, develop the decision of how our competitors are acting,” says Laurence Westerlund, press officer at the SEB.

it is currently not possible to make any rate increases. By retaining his lowest interest rate for variable-rate loans mean the bank that they offer something that challenges the competition.

In november lowered the Nordea few of his long, bound mortgage rates as a response to the Riksbank’s expected interest rate hike. Currently, there are no plans for rate increases.

For a person with a loan of 3 million means an increase of 0.20% 6.000 sek higher årsräntekostnad. After ränteavdraget on the 30% land cost on 4.200 sek. Swedbank recommends customers to review their ability to spread out their loans.

– The current interest rate environment is a good opportunity to spread the risks by various fixed rate periods. We and our customers must assume today’s economy and interest rates, to reduce the risks can be a good idea when interest rates look set to continue upwards, ” says Gabriel Francke Rodau.

Read more: How to negotiate you best mortgage rate.