the end of The year was a record year. Never before have so many people in Switzerland by a tick bite, a viral inflammation of the brain captured skin. The Federal office for health (BAG) was one of 380 reported cases. That is, 40 percent more than last year and more than three times as many as three years ago.

Now the Federal government wants to act. Because the consequences of the so-called tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) are serious. In bad cases it can lead to death. More often, headache, photophobia, dizziness, and concentration and difficulty walking. These symptoms can last for weeks to months. Most of the persons registered must temporarily to the hospital. In the case of a part it comes to paralysis of the arms, legs, or facial nerve, which can lead to permanent disabilities.

ill Just in time before the next tick season

Once, only the symptoms are tackled. However, against TBE can be vaccinated. Only a few make use of it. This is also likely to be related to the fact that the vaccination was not yet recommended in Switzerland. Instead, the BAG called on only in certain high-risk areas. This has proved to be a little practicable, but neither the people nor the tick of the officially-defined boundaries.

On a bike tour around you get to drive fast once in a risk area, without being aware of it. And the ticks that carry the Virus, spread, and “tend to be from the North-East in the direction of West Switzerland,” weiss, Mark Witschi, head of the section recommendations at the BAG. The Federal government is thinking so-no, no, the area at risk. Also up for discussion, an expansion on certain cantons.

Now the BAG has decided to go further and to explain the whole of Switzerland to the risk area. “In mid-January, we will publish this in the “FOPH Bulletin”,” says Witschi. Just in time, before in the spring of the next tick season starts. From 2019, the tick vaccination is also country-wide health insurance compulsory, not, as previously, only in certain risk areas.

No cases in the Canton of Ticino

A real prevention campaign is not planning the Federal office for health. The resources that were missing Witschi says. He hopes, however, that the media take up the issue, and the vaccination among the people.

“We want,” says Witschi, “that the number of infectious is reduced.” In Austria, this was a success. Thanks to a vaccination rate of over 80 percent, the annual number of TBE cases was there from about 700 to less than 100 reduce it. For comparison: In Switzerland, currently a good 30 percent of the population are vaccinated.

Still, it is unclear whether the BAG excludes the Ticino from the vaccination. From southern Switzerland for years, no TBE cases have been reported. But recently, it came to infections after tick bites.

large part of the cost under the Franchise

Not to belittle the Federal government for the time being, the age limit of six years. In the case of younger children, he recommends the tick vaccination if the Small join around in a forest game group. May be the BAG will adapt at a later stage, the age limit, so Witschi.

The TBE-vaccination must be carried out for full protection, three times in the space of a few months. After that you should refresh it every ten years. The three injections cost a total of around 200 Swiss francs.

insurers will have to adjust because of the extended Fund obligation on any additional medical bills. On the other hand, the costs for the treatment of TBE should be lower-cases, when in fact, infection can be avoided. The bottom line is the Federal expected cost no larger. He has also created the estimation. A large part of the cost, suspected Witschi, will probably be paid anyway by the Vaccinated in the context of the Franchise.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 29.12.2018, 00:10 PM