It happens to all of us that we open a christmas present, that was not quite what we had dreamed of.

in Particular, christmas gifts bought on the internet comes more and more under the christmas tree, and such a gift to be exchanged, you must keep the tongue straight in the mouth.

According to the law, you have 14 days to exchange the gift, from the donor has received the package. Mind you if it is purchased in Europe or Denmark. It’s not whether, when you open your christmas present.

– But the shops know very well that the gifts are the first to be opened 24. december, so they usually provide an extended period of time. If you have bought something on Black Friday, it a long time ago, the right of withdrawal expires, but it most extends the deadline because of christmas, says the deputy director at the Danish Consumer council, Tænk, the Danish composer Vagn Jelsøe, to Ekstra Bladet.

the Rules contain many if’s, and the only way one can be sure how the store handles christmas gifts, there are not sat in the closet, is to read the terms and conditions.

namely, It can vary from shop to shop, whether you can exchange for another item, if you pay shipping, and on the whole, how the returns process is.

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you as the happy and give be sure that the gift can be swapped, it is important to remember to save the evidence that it is bought in the internet retailer. Otherwise it gets really awkward when the recipient may come creeping and ask for a receipt.

– But must a gift be exchanged, must bite all the shame in themselves and ask what has given the goods on an invoice or similar, so that it can be exchanged. Quite obviously, one must know where it must be returned, and you must be able to document that it is purchased there, says Vagn Jelsøe.

Although the rules may seem complex, it can be a good idea to buy your christmas presents online. If you buy the gift in the store on the old-fashioned way, it is totally up to the store or the chain, whether the item can be returned or exchanged.

– In a store you actually have no bytteret, if they didn’t even offer it, whereas the one on the network has the legal right to cancel a purchase. In this way you are better off on the net in relation to a shop, says Vagn Jelsøe.

However, not all the internet commerce, where the right of withdrawal is legally protected. If you buy gifts outside of the EU, other rules apply.

– There are no rules. One is not necessarily left in the lord’s field, for netshoppen typically have even its own terms. In general, you should be very careful to examine how netshoppens the right of withdrawal is, says the Consumer council Tænks deputy director.

Here is byttereglerne

– the Rules are different on various webshops, so it is always a good idea to read the terms and conditions.

– Is the gift bought in Denmark or the EU, you have as a starting point 14 day right of withdrawal, but the deadline to when the gift can actually be returned, is very different, especially up to christmas.

– The 14 days applies from when you received the package – not from when the gift was packed up.

– If the deadline to return the gift falls on a julehelligdag, kicks it to the next working day.

– Undo the purchase, you are entitled to get the full amount back. Both the amount, as the gift and basisfragt cost.

– the Store may require you to pay the freight when returning the goods – if they have informed about it in advance.

– the Store to pay the money back as soon as possible, and shall not eat of the money for good.

– Check up on the individual webshops procedure for return. With some you need to write a mail, in others you must complete a form.

– Sends you a gift in return, so remember to save proof that you have done it.

– It differs from shop to shop, whether they offer that you can exchange the gift for another item.

– Have you downloaded the gift you have purchased on the net, in a physical store, the rules apply to online shopping still.

– You do not have the law on your side here. You have not the right neither to cancel, exchange or get the money back. It is entirely up to the dealer.

– But, as a rule, the gifts can be exchanged within a period of time. The deadline is on byttemærket or bonen.

Remember the receipt. The must you as a rule have to exchange the gift. So can you prove that it is bought in the store.

– you Will have the money back, so please remember to claim the amount for which the gift was sold for. It has you as a starting point the right to, even if the goods are put down on januarudsalg.

– You should not accept a shorter expiration date than three years on the gift cards and ious.

– In some cases there may however be a good reason that the period of validity is shorter.

– Gift cards to, for example, experiences and frisørklipninger may have a shorter deadline, but it must be clear stated in the agreement.

Source: the Danish Consumer council, Tænk.

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Pia Jensen has more time times bought gifts on the web christmas. Photo: Mogens Flindt
Pia Jensen, 61 years old, a clerk, lives in Copenhagen
– I’ve even bought two of the christmas presents on the web in years. I have never had problems with exchanging gifts. But now, there has not been any gifts that were to be exchanged. I’ve got what I want.

Philip Domingo is very aware of where he is buying goods online. He always goes after the free shipping, so he should not have to pay the freight, if it must be returned. Photo: Mogens Flindt
Philip Domingo, 25, supervisor at JD Sports, live on Frederiksberg
– When I buy goods on the internet, I try always to find a store that has free shipping, or a store, where you can throw the goods in a physical place to return, so it becomes a bit easier.

– I usually buy gifts in the store, because I often am a little late in regards to buying it online. But do I buy something for myself, it is for the most part on the web, there you can usually get it for cheaper.

Ida Frederiksen bought both a gift on the web and in november, a 20. december. Photo: Mogens Flindt
Ida Frederiksen, 19, Næstved Gymnasium, HF, lives in Næstved. the
– this is The first time I have bought christmas presents on the web. But I have bought things on net before. I live in Næstved, so I would like to support the local shops, but if they don’t have it, I need to use, then you have to buy it on the net. And if something must be exchanged on the net, they wont to be cute about it.