GARDERMOEN (Dagbladet): For a little over two weeks ago woke Margrethe Salvesen (46) in a blodpøl right outside his own home, in the east of Trondheim city centre. She was found outside the entrance door of dattera, who took a picture of my mom and called 112. Salvesen don’t know how long she lay there.

DAUGHTER FOUND HER: Margrethe Salvesen outside your own front door. Photo: Private Show more

– Everything is black, and my memory is completely gone. From the time I step out of the car between at 18: 30 and 19 and for a while afterwards. I don’t know who did this, or why. My daughter was so clearly from him and terrified, ” says Salvesen.

According to Salvesen, she was sewn on-site by the physician. In the aftermath, she has been hold to questioning and been in conversation with the PST. The police created a case and says to the newspaper Dagbladet that they are investigating the incident as domestic violence.

Salvesen deny that she connects ekskjæresten Arfan Bhatti (41) or other in the Norwegian islamist environment to the event. She points instead to what she calls “extreme forces on the right”.

Waiting for me

” meet her Thursday 13. December. The incident took place 5. December, and blåveisen is still evident. Stitches over the left eye is recently removed. Salvesen takes care of the eyebrow, and says that she is still scared and shaken by what has happened.

– Some have been waiting for me, ” she believes.

the Public is Salvesen known for the former Palestinian activism and political speech, but the most well known is she to have been together with one of Norway’s most well-known islamists, Arfan Bhatti. Gaza activism, celebration of female Hamas fighters and love with Bhatti back in 2010 had major consequences for her and her family, and has stalked her since.

In retrospect, the VG has referred to that extreme opinions on islam, the first thought published by Salvesen, really should have been authored by Bhatti, according to his lawyer, John Christian Fire.

HAD to SEW: Salvesen is marked for needle and thread and have marks on her neck after the incident. Photo: Christian Roth Christensen / Dagbladet Show more does not Preclude a political motive

having lost his job as a nurse in Ålesund, as a result of his controversial past, she has the last few years, remarried and built a new life in Trondheim.

By the side of the job as a nurse, Salvesen at the same time written in an autobiographical book, with the working title “Close to revolutionary”. In march, she received nok 100 000 for script development of the Foundation foundation. Now is the book as good as finished, and she and medforfatteren, journalist, author, and dokumentarskaper Ola Flyum, is in talks with publishers about the publication.

the Newspaper has seen anmeldelsesbekreftelsen the police have sent to Salvesen, where the incident is sorted under the kroppsskade. The case is being investigated as the violence of the city Centre krimvakt, ” says Sunniva Tronvoll, politiadvokat at Trøndelag police district.

– So far no investigation led to information that suggests a political motive, but this may at the current stage not be excluded, she writes.

– Already a hate-figures

We follow up to make sure the police take the matter seriously. Violent attacks against the writers is an attack on freedom of expression in itself, ” says Salvesens attorney John Christian Fire.

Margrethe Salvesen says that she does not know why she should have been knocked down. She has been in a meeting with the PST, ” she says.

I think it is about muslimhets, and that I write the book. The person in the PST said that they do not think this is gratuitous violence, ” says Salvesen.

questions from Dagbladet confirms the PST that your Trondheim-the device has been in contact with “a person in connection with an allegedly voldsepisode”. PST does not want to comment on who they have contact with, or content of any calls.

– in General, it is both natural and within our mandate to have contact with individuals in order to clarify whether the threats, violence and other things they are exposed to, can be politically motivated. This type of conversations have PST with people around the country all the time, and writes communications director at PST, Trond Hugubakken, in an e-mail.

VOLDSALARM: Salvesen has been dealt a voldsalarm by the police. Photo: Christian Roth Christensen / Dagbladet Show more – the Police asked about Bhatti

Salvesen has also previously been equipped with voldsalarm in a long time, then after death threats and incitement of violence, ” she says. The nurse think that voldsepisoden outside the entrance door is a politically motivated attack from “extreme forces on the right”, as a result of the fact that she is muslim woman, active in the public debate and writing a book. The book project, and her political opinions has been possible to follow in her social channels, she claims.

– In the interrogation began, the police to drag links to Bhatti, something that is natural out from what the media has written about him, but I have never been exposed to the violence of Bhatti. He will be out of the picture with a time. That this is him or other people “in the environment”, is totally beyond. I have nothing uoppgjort with him or them. We have gone further.

Bhatti won over the department of Justice

– do you Have contact?

– We talked just after he came back from jail in Pakistan in 2015. So I have seen him once after that. We live each of our life, and have no uoppgjort.

In Trondheim, Salvesen come into the daily life and taken a personal reckoning with everything that has happened since 2010.

I’ve gathered your thoughts and wrote a book, ” she says.

Writing about the private life

the Book “Near-revolutionary” is, among other things, about who Salvesen was before she got together with Bhatti, ” she says, and reads from a summary she has written:

“the Book is an investigation against the many speculations, rumors and lies that followed her choice of boyfriend – he who was named ‘Norway’s most dangerous man’. The marriage was a brutal political dowry – a great public interest and mistenkeliggjøring. From the to be an exciting, verdensvant and popular girl, from North Norway and the Trøndelag counties, she was suddenly labelled as jihadist, terrorist, suicide bomber, a black widow, flyvertinneterrorist and a seductively mislead.”

– Is there anything from the time you regret?

I said me to Adresseavisen in June 2010. The quotes mine ended up at VG, which is twisted on them and that produced me as a flyvertinneterrorist. My grandmother broke contact with me after she bought the VG on the front door that Sunday. She would not talk with me. Then she became ill and died, without that we had had a particular contact.

WANT to GIVE OUT the BOOK: Salvesen holds on with a book about his life. Photo: Christian Roth Christensen / Dagbladet Show more – Different understanding of muslims

Why should someone buy the book?

With the thought of other books that are written in the last few years, as Åsne Seierstads “Two sisters” and Lars Akerhaugs “Norwegian jihad”, and with the thought of muslimhetsen that is underway in Norway and Europe, I think it is important. I hope that people get a different understanding of muslims than the media has presented, and of them that is hung out and branded as extremists.

– So you should prove syriafarere?

” No, not at all. The book is about who I am and who I have been the whole time. But I also take some settlement which I believe can contribute to more understanding, associated with working together against violent extremism, both on the right and the left and among muslims. Also about the responsibility journalists have when they want to create big headlines. When they choose to sell pure lie to sell newspapers, and it destroys the lives of other people and families.

– Objectionable of the VG

editor-in-chief in VG, Gard Steiro, points out that Salvesen said to Adresseavisen voluntarily.

She expressed sympathy for suicide bombers and support jihad. On the direct question if she even had participated in some form of våpentrening or guns blazing, she replied: “No comment.” The context was that Salvesen was married to the country’s best-known islamist. It would have been a neglect of the VG to not render the Salvesens sensational statements. And the case deserved the headlines, writes Steiro to the Newspaper.

13. JUNE 2010: the VG press this matter. Facsimile: VG Show more

this answer Salvesen the following:

That the VG does not take seriously the consequences the case had for me, is reprehensible. I have never in a interview expressed neither sympathy or support for suicide bombers. VG is lying, and it is stupid that they continue with it.

– Sold not lies

Steiro do not want to comment on the assertion about the lie. He denies that the VG has twisted on Salvesens quotes or “sold lies”.

We passed only Salvesens own statements. I am in no way surprised that they created reactions at the time. The marvelous is that Salvesen, even today, understands that it was her own actions and opinions, not that the media referred to them, that was the problem, ” says Steiro.

It was Bhatti who used the account where it came to the statements about suicide bombers, repeat Salvesen.

This is later confirmed by a lawyer the Fire. I believe that I was first was designed to be an extremist, then a flyvertinneterrorist. Both VG and Impulses to get answers on this in the book.

Salvesen wrote in 2010 an opinion piece as a response to the interview with Adresseavisen, who was quoted in the VG. It was published in Adresseavisen.

John Christian Fire will not advise anyone to do what Andrea did for Hemsedal case Dagbladet Plus