“Well, there are some Swedish traditions”

“Ebba Busch Thor: Myndighetsvänstern makes both old and new swedes a disservice”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. The first thing most of us do when we receive new guests in our home, it is to show them around. ”Would you like to go husesyn?” is probably one of the most English sentences are. “

“I don’t know how this custom, which is missing in many other countries, emerged. But it is in many ways very likeable. When we invite a guest to see how we live, we tell at the same time something about ourselves. Furniture and trinkets show which flavour we have, the photos tell you what we think is important in life. “

“We express at the same time a desire that the guest should feel welcome and comfortable in the place where the next few hours shall be spent.”

“With this tradition as a background, it is very remarkable that our approach to integration has long built on the husesynens opposite. When the government Löfven 2015, held its major conference, ”Sweden,” claimed the historian Ingrid Lomfors that there is no indigenous american culture, a statement she after harsh criticism backed away from. “

“the Second example of the same tankefigur is when Mona Sahlin 2002, said she couldn’t think of what Swedish culture is, in addition to the ”midsummer’s eve and such silly things”, or when Fredrik Reinfeldt stated that the only barbarity is ursvenskt while the rest of the impetus has come from outside.”

“Probably meant they are all well. But the argument is feltänkta. For if we are serious about wanting to integrate new swedes in the society so it is not enough to be invited in the country. You must also be invited into the society, and society is coloured by the history, culture and tradition. Just like all the other communities. It is impossible to be integrated if there is nothing to integrate into.”

“It does not mean that the traditions which has become Swedish, may not have emerged elsewhere. This applies to both the Lucia, which changed and evolved through the centuries, that the viewership of ”Kalle Ankas jul” well mainly was great to Sweden at the time had a state television monopoly that would otherwise rarely showed cartoons. “

“But both have their place among the Swedish traditions, and to understand why, one must first understand something about Sweden and its history.”

“the Debate about these and other traditions have become an equally magsurt as a regular feature in the Swedish calendar. It was a long time ago we had a winter exempted from the comments about Lucia actually is a catholic saint from Sicily, or from historielösa euphemisms as ”helgskinka” or the newly installed equality ombudsman ”vinterpresenter” to the staff. “

“From the xenophobic press have anger against this often made against immigrants. But it is not the immigrants that blow to the battle against the Swedish traditions and concepts, but rather an academic myndighetsvänster who never liked traditions and happy to use immigration as an excuse to get them away.”

“This myndighetsvänster makes both old and new swedes, and integration, a disservice. For if our traditions are cleaned away, new residents not be able to detect them, and thus don’t have something to celebrate together with their new countrymen. Sweden must learn to do what the swedes are already doing, namely, to invite guests on husesyn.”

“A country without traditions is a blank, and boring country.”

“nEbba Busch Thor, the leader of (KD)”

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