Only two raccoon couples were exposed to 1934 the Hessian Edersee. You should enrich the local hunting range. The project is managed: About 171,000 raccoons were shot in the hunting year 2017/18. Long ago, the North American little bear increasingly in this country exponentially: an Estimated 1.3 million specimens of Procyon lotor, there are now in Germany – especially in Saxony-Anhalt and Brandenburg, where the species areas in around 90 percent of all hunting is sighted. In a few years it could be five million.

types of protectors, now take Alarm. Because of the excellent climbers, with the distinctive curly tail needs a lot of food to reach the weight of about nine pounds. Hundreds of millions of Vertebrates to land the bears according to studies, in the stomachs of small, so Stefan Nehring from the German Federal office for nature conservation. In addition to birds, bats and amphibians, omnivorous have turtle are also the last copies of the European swamp in the Northern part of Brandenburg, on your dining plan.

Abgebissene limbs

in fact, the number of adult turtles has been declining since 2005, and the amount of animals with severe injuries such as broken limbs increases. The Norbert Schneeweiss of the nature conservation station Rhinluch of the state office for environment Brandenburg has a long-term study observed. Polluter-pays were bears in the first line of washing, which is why its depletion is a prerequisite for the receipt of the last native turtle is in Germany.

Not far away, in the Lower Oder valley national Park, observed Ranger Detlef ferryman for over 25 years, a Rookery of herons. “We had old pine trees up to 120 nests. In 2010, the grey have abandoned Heron from one year to the other their colony completely.“ As a reason he is called the raccoons, which had operated at the location.

Today, you would encase threatened Horst trees of large birds on the Tree with a one-Meter-long corrugated polyester Board, “Rey-tree cuff”, in order to keep raccoons away.

the bat on boxes in the Park to break the animals and iron promise to the animals velvet offspring.

Even poisonous toads to be consumed

Even before the poisonous Toads, the animals will not Stop. You have learned the poison-glands coated skin, and leave the Rest to eat. Snow white was one of in April 2016, a Spawning ground to the North of Berlin, 174 of raccoons killed Toads. Before the toads fences, the amphibians are to retain their Spawning migration prior to the Crossing of the roads, patrolling the small bear literally.

another hunting area, the raccoons, the reed beds are to be cultivated in fish ponds, were able to raise in which, until a few years ago, numerous bird species, their offspring. Chicks of Coots, ducks and marsh Harriers, years ago commonplace, are now rare. Not to mention reed breeder reactors, such as reactor tube singers.

Video 28.12.2018, 07:22 Uhr01:37 Min.These animals have 2018 our hearts have conquered

In the soft mud bottom of this in the autumn of drained ponds on the basis of the traces to understand who is responsible for the Disappearance of the species of bird responsible. Although there are from time to time, prints of wild boar, deer, and occasionally an otter. But above all, a “highway” of the hundreds of raccoon paws to the identification of distinctive on the long fingers of its front paws.

Edgar Wendt, for more than 25 years, hunters in the Uckermark region, has followed the rapid development of the raccoons in the last few years. “Raccoons are nocturnal, and therefore difficult to bejagbar.” A single hunting from high seat, the hunter thinks is difficult, because a shot at raccoons the Ansitz about wild boar for the evening had gone. However, the annual shooting plan had to be fulfilled.

a 5000 Euro fine, who feeds raccoons

A tried and tested means of fall Box. In the Havel country, hunters for the trapping of raccoons with this compensation already. “This is time-consuming,” says Wendt. “In the evening, the event must be made fängisch, in the morning, the controlled success, the trap will be blocked.” To compound the problem, the washing could open bear conventional Traps with their “hands”.

Of raccoon hunting with dogs keeps Wendt little. “Harassed raccoon bite in the dog’s head and not let go.” He cites cases in which it is tracked raccoon dogs in deep water would have drowned – firmly attached to the back of the dog.

More about

wild animals in the Berlin and Brandenburg, Of hare-footed Country hogs and biodynamic to the city of pigs

Roland Knauer

Also in Berlin live raccoons, around 800 families – and the trend is rising. In order to further spread limit, has forbidden to Feed the city in 2011. For disregard of up to 5000 Euro penalties.