the Court in Aalborg has on Friday sentenced the 37-year-old Ali Kachach nine years in prison for an attempted murder. In the sentence included also the possession of weapons, threats to life, unlawful coercion and violence. It writes Nordjyske.

this is The second time that Ali Kachach will be sentenced for attempted murder. In 2011, the high court him to seven years in prison for an attempted murder committed back in 2009.

Ali Kachach has acknowledged the situation. Therefore, the case was run as a tilståelsessag.

The 13. October 2016 was a 25-year-old man hit by several shots at Skydebanevej, Aalborg.

He was, according to the newspaper affected in the lower back, the thighs and in the foot, but he fled and drove to the hospital.

the Police called Ali Kachach, as he would not speak with the police. At that time it was the police view that he fled out of the country for later to come back. He was, according to Nordjyske arrested in Hanover on 16. October.

A second man was in June last year convicted of the shooting. The 24-year-old Raheem Pedersen was sentenced to five years in prison.

in Addition, there was also a second perpetrator involved in the shooting, but he died a few hours after the shooting in a car accident, which had nothing with the shooting to do.

As Ali Kachach in 2009, was involved in the first case about attempted murder, was the purge also in Aalborg.

In the Vestre Landsret, both he and the 40-year-old Ole Jensen punished with seven years in prison for drabsforsøget as well as for gross violation of the våbenloven.

A third man, SZ, was sentenced to 16 months in prison. He was acquitted of the charge of attempted murder, but convicted of illegal possession of firearms.

Skudepisoden was triggered after a longer period of strife between the rockergruppen the Bandidos and the criminal indvandrermiljø in Aalborg.

The 17. October 2009, should the hatchet be buried at a forsoningsmøde at Cafe Ib René Cairo.

instead, it ended in gunfire, and the SZ was hit several times, as Ole Jensen fired his weapon.

Ole Jensen shot against Ali Kachach and SZ, after Kachach fired several shots against Ole Jensen without hitting.