“Well breakfast table video conference aviation: ”Klimatångest””

“They travelling much in the service of making a big imprint on the environment. nthis is noticeable on affärsmänniskornas conscience which has now begun to take the train. “

“– Many are asking themselves how they can contribute to get the state moving in the right direction, ” says Ida Thermaenius, head of corporate sales at SJ. “

“Affärsbokningarna at SJ has increased by 21 per cent during the winter – a dramatic rise. “

“just a year ago, 14 percent of the car in front of the train – today the figure is 33 per cent. 29% stated this year that they would rather take the train than fly, last year had only 24 per cent responded. “

“SJ’s sales manager Ida Thermaenius believe that the rekordvarma the summer with their fires and droughts have given business travelers klimatångest that got them to think about it. “

“– There is an increased awareness of both the company and the individual. I think it is a result of the summer heat and the drawbacks of the heat contributed. People ask themselves what they can do to influence in the right direction, ” she says. “

“But it is not just the environment that gets people to choose the train, many also indicate that they work better on the train and they think it is the most convenient option. “

“– Many travelers I have met say it’s very nice to take the train to work instead of just sitting and driving a car. “

“A trend reversal Ida Thermaenius himself is surprised at the increased interest for the night train. The whole of the 40 per cent stated in the survey that they would rather take the night train than an early morning flights. “

“– the night train has been around for a very long time but has never attracted business travellers to any significant extent. But more have found that it works great to sleep on the train and go directly to the morgonmötet instead of taking the earliest flight. “

“are Criticised for delays”

“Today, employees in the private sector greater opportunity to decide for themselves how they want to travel in the service, which may have contributed to the boost. “

“The most popular train lines for affärsbokningar is Stockholm-Malmö-Copenhagen, Stockholm-Göteborg and Stockholm-Sundsvall-Umeå. “

“You are constantly getting criticism for signal errors and delays, how will you work with this now when more people want to take the train?”

” We work proactively with our vehicles and can, with the help of data foresee the problems that come up. We are also working together with the Swedish transport administration in order to get a more stable traffic. But nine out of ten trains are actually on time, ” says Ida Thermaenius.”

“Will you make to meet demand?”

“– We are expanding departures, at some distances, we increase the traffic any more than the other. Nattågstrafiken we increase, and also on the southern main line, that is to say, the Stockholm-Malmö-Copenhagen and Stockholm-Sundsvall. “



