“2019 is it between the Leaves or extra options”

“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“All conjectures about the chaos after the elections beat.n– I am more than aware that it will be an extremely turbulent autumn. I think we are moving towards a fall after an election that has not been seen in many decades in Swedish politics, said Annie Lööf (C) to Aftonbladet in the spring.”

“The fifth of August noted Some leader board that the choice is between”

“We were essentially right.”

“But because the bourgeois parties engaged in the election campaign that if the Alliance was for real and could win the majority waved the away regeringsfrågan. It would come to punish themselves. For in parallel with the bortviftandet locked themselves to the Centre party and the Liberals increasingly fierce rhetoric in that they were the guarantor against the SD’s influence. Even if the paper is not ruled out Kristersson-government they had in the debates, interviews and campaign speeches, in principle, already been shown the cards. Thus died the Alliance on election night, when the red and green became more than the bourgeois, and the rest of the autumn was marked most by its protracted death throes.”

“Annie Lööf has the key.”

“From the day of the election day, has Annie Lööf and her 31 riksdagsmandat had regeringsfrågan in his hand, and refused to choose between releasing Stefan Löfven as prime minister or to give Jimmie Åkesson political influence. It is this overconfident dithering as done in 2018 to the political bubble in the pan.”

“at the same time, it is not surprising that the political blocs and loyalties that have existed for decades, the entrenched, both in the electorate’s consciousness, and of leading politicians. Several of the Alliance’s influential people are so young that they don’t even remember the big blocköverskridande settlements in the beginning of the 1990s, when the country was rescued and the parties laid the foundation for the policies that to a large extent still the case in areas such as wage determination, energy and taxes. Possibly, they feel better to pensionsuppgörelsen and different food, but have not experienced what it means when a small country’s economy becomes stray in 1992 when the riksbank raised interest rates to 500 per cent, and the banking system was facing collapse.”

“When we interviewed the former secretary of-prime minister Ingvar Carlsson a few weeks ago about his experience of 38 years in the political centre, he returned to the big crisis during the Carl Bildt (M) and the government between 1991 to 1994.”

“I walked around here in Sacramento, and it was.”

“Swedish modern history is more about cooperation than conflict, we meet at the negotiating table rather than on the street. The legendär Per T Ohlsson opens its magnificent brick Swedish politics (Historical media, 2014) in front of the parliament building on april 21, 1917. The factories had closed for the weekend, and workers have begun to stream to. On the one hand, the 10 000 hungry people, pressured by the dyrtid and international crisis – on the other 20 konstaplar and parliament building own guards. “

“the Demonstration in front of parliament was one of the many, the common people had begun to stir in the whole country. The requirements on the larger brödransoner and lowered the price on potatoes, but also on universal and equal suffrage and headed ever higher, and the inside of the reichstag had the high lords started to become concerned. A few months earlier, had the Russian tsarregeringen overthrown in the introduction to what would become the Russian revolution.”

“On the parliament in the staircase met the demonstrators of Hjalmar Branting (S) and Per Albin Hansson (S). Branting, had just returned from a trip in Russia. The leader of the socialists capitalized on a loose line when they are facing the crowd explained that the requirements were reasonable but that the government during högermannen Carl Swartz is actually trying to improve conditions. Hjalmar Branting called on the workers to finish up around the social democrats at the autumn andrakammarval.”

“After the hand had polisförstärkningar arrived and Per T Ohlsson refers to eyewitness Nils Horney, Social-Demokratens envoy reporter, who stood behind the Per-Albin Hansson. He saw how the chief constable of Neanderthal Tamm stepped out of the parliament building port and raised his right hand in which he kept his white gloves. Horney perceived that he was going to give signal to the police officers attacking the crowd. But this was not to be, for in front of the eyes of the Horney grep inspector Anders Gustaf Kempe simply its head in the hemp and dragged him back into the reichstag parliament building.nVad would have happened if the authorities responded to the workers with violence the where day of spring 1917? “

“Few things are svenskare than an agenda”

“we do not know, but as Per T Ohlsson notes so can Anders Gustaf Kempes resourceful intervention may well have prevented an american revolution, perhaps civil war. At half past four-the time dispersed the crowd, and the year after, in 1918, took the end of world war ii, and the Swedish parliament adopted a decision on universal and equal suffrage.”

“There is a red wire from Anders Gustaf Kempe on the parliament building staircase 1917 to Ingvar Carlsson’s walk in Burnaby in 1992: they saw the forest despite all the trees. They put the country’s best of class – and partiintressen. They found compromises.”

“Few things are svenskare than an agenda, an organized meeting where we can find consensus and resolve things together. Few things can also be more boring, but it is a part of the score. Bored people find their way to the end of the consensus, if not just to get to go home.”

“the 2018 was konfrontationens year and cherish, we can not 2019 go in the same characters. If not Stefan Löfven is elected by the parliament January 16, so we go probably for an extra election in march or april. Since then, we have the EUROPEAN parliamentary elections in may we can look forward to at least half a year of political turmoil. In addition, if the polls are right, an additional choice does not solve anything.”

“In the morning, we call out the 2018. Finally, says probably the most.”

“Let’s call in a new political climate when we are in time.”