For many of us is nyttårsfeiringa, with everything that goes with the rockets and festivities, a pleasant entrance to the new year. But the sound and the strong lysglimtene can be a daunting experience for our four-legged friends.

Luckily it is not all animals who are just as afraid, but there are many who react to the bangs and the lights of the missiles. It is unnatural for the animals, and may cause sudden reactions even in animals which have not responded previously, ” says veterinarian and president of the Veterinærforeningen, Torill Moseng.

Reactions can be anything from mild anxiety to more severe reactions:

– Dogs can for example be troubled, pipe, and follow the owner. But we also see that some of them are so scared that they try to eat through the door to get away, escaping, or hurt themselves.

Here are her main tips for you as dog – or dyreeier on new year’s eve:

1. Be together with animals

– do Not leave the dog alone when it starts popping. If you have been with the whole day and leaves it when the festivities get started, it can be really bad. Dogs are pack animals and seeking protection in the herd if they are anxious.

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So plan your new year’s eve so that the dog is not alone. If you are invited out, you can feel free to take it with you – if there is a place it can feel safe.

2. Act normal

In the extension of the previous point, you should also not behave as though the missiles are a cause for concern. It is important to radiate a positive and relaxed energy.

– If the dog notices that you behave as if there is martial law, it is also anxious. Extra comfort can give the opposite effect. It is also important that you say so about to those you will celebrate with, ” says Moseng.

– It should also think about when it comes to drinking and noise. Just as children notice animals that you change when you drink, and it can create insecurity. Then attach with way, when you have animals, it is important to facilitate the evening for them.

3. If you have the opportunity – travel away

A part also choose to go away with the animals, to places where there is little noise and missiles. It may be a good idea, believe Moseng. She also says that kennelopphold is a solution more resorts to when they don’t have the opportunity to be at home or travel away with the animals, but it must often be planned some time in advance.

HIGH SMELL: the Light and the bangs from the nyttårsrakettene is scary for many animals. Photo: NTB Scanpix Show more 4. Have the animals inside and cover the windows

– the Animals should preferably be indoors when it went out. Cover the windows and make lysinntrykkene as minimal as possible.

It not only applies to dogs. Utekatter can with advantage also be kept indoors just new year’s eve. Smaller animals should also be placed away from places where it can get strong light – and lydinntrykk. The same applies to larger animals such as horses out on the pasture, which can become frightened and break out of the enclosures.

Lydinntrykkene, you can mute by putting on rhythmic music when it slams. It is what has the best effect, according to Moseng.

5. Physical activity and food

– make Sure that the animal gets a good ride on the day, so they are tired when evening comes.

In addition, there may be a good idea to feed the animals before the party starts. It is best if they are satiate and weary, then it is more likely that they fall asleep early.

6. Pheromones can be a useful supplement

Both dogs and cats can get help to cope with anxiety with pheromones. Pheromones are a duftstoff that is emitted by all mammals when they dier, which should reassure the offspring, but should also have soothing properties on the adult dogs.

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– It can for example be sprayed in the room, and we recommend really to begin with this a few weeks in advance. But it can also have a good effect if one starts a few days before, ” says Moseng.

She explains that duftstoffet is completely artsspesifikt, and will not be taken up the nose at us humans. You can buy this at the vet or in the pet store.

7. Drugs

For extra anxious animal, it may be necessary to use medications to calm the nerves. Then it is extremely important that you do not use drugs that is made for people.

– It is deprecated we recommend. A part of these will in fact have the opposite effect, and intensify the level of stress as the animals notice that they are not prepared to cope with a situation they want to escape from.

– Talk with your veterinarian if you need to get discharged with a prescription customized for your animals, advises Moseng.

8. Lydfobikurs

For the animals who have shown anxiety on new year’s eve over time, recommend Moseng habituation in a safe environment in preparation for the next year. There are lydfobikurs on the web, and you can also play audio files with rockets and bangs on the low sound, gradually to get used to the higher level.

– There are some good guides online as to how the man friends the animals to sharp sounds. They are absolutely to recommend, ” she concludes.

These puppies were set out to die. Was rescued by the police