former Pakistani prime minister Nawaz Sharif, who was forced to resign last year, has been sentenced to seven years in prison for fraud. It writes the news agency Reuters.

He is convicted of having values that exceed his income.

Sharif was in July punished with 10 years in prison for having acquired luxury apartments in London. Sharif refuses guilty of the charges against him. He has appealed the judgment and were released on bail.

One of the Sharifs daughters, Maryam, was in July sentenced to seven years in prison for having defrauded with amount, which could be traced back to the family’s luxury apartments in the british capital.

Sharif has three times been Pakistan’s prime minister. He has been declared unfit to be the head of the government of the country’s supreme court.

Sharif has called the trial against him for political commissions. He accuses the military and the judiciary of conspiring against him to weaken his political party, the Pakistan Muslim League.
