I cried out for help, but no one could hear me.

the 85-year-old Knud Verner Pedersen talks about his latest case-the episode back in the month of november.

Here he was, lying on his terrace for several hours, after he had tried to hang her laundry up. But before he reached to grab the clamps and leash, he fell over his walker.

Here he had to subsequently lie and wait on, that the daughter Lizzi Frandsen had to find him erratic and pale on the patio, with cold tiles.

He could not call for help, the mobile phone was charging in the living room.

the Case-the episode in november is not isolated. It would take two and a half years before Knud Verner Pedersen’s condition was so critical that he be able to get granted a nødkaldsapparat from Faaborg-Midtfyn Municipality.

the Municipality had refused to Knud Verner Pedersen’s applications for emergency, because they lay emphasis on the fact that he could use a cell phone.

Knud Verner Pedersen’s doctor has several times indicated to Faaborg-Midtfyn Kommune, Knud Verner Pedersen since 2016 have been in an increased risk of falling. For the reason referred the doctor to a emergency back in 2016. But in spite of the doctor’s assessment Knud Verner Pedersen refusal. The municipality wrote the following:

– Knud assessed as not eligible for emergency call, when he is assessed to be able to call for help via his cell phone. Knud judged to be at increased risk of falling.

Two years and several events later, there was still no nødkaldsapparat to see if Knud Verner Pedersen’s wrist.

In the recent refusal of 19. June 2018 wrote to the municipality, among other things:

– You have been dropped four times – but been fortunate enough not to beat you severely.

the Municipality refers here to a period of five months, where Knud Verner Pedersen has fallen four times. But in spite of the many fall was the first since Lizzi Frandsen found his father lying cold and bruised on the terrace for several hours, to the municipality moved into.

the President of the Older the Case in Odense, Pallet Vennekilde, can not understand the funen municipalities ‘ argument with the mobile phone.

– If one is fallen and has remembered his cell phone, but lying on it. So you can’t operate a mobile phone, but one can well touch on its bracelet (emergency, red.). And then there’s the whole situation with that you get stressed and dizzy. Here it can be very difficult for an older person to get done the right things on a mobile phone, ” says Palle Vennekilde.

Knud Verner Pedersen’s daughter Lizzi Frandsen also can not understand the municipality’s assessment:

– Older people like my father don’t remember so well any more. Father had probably not remembered, to the (mobile phone, red.) sad to the charge, and that he really should have had it in his pocket, when he went out to hang the clothes up.

Faaborg-Midtfyn Municipality will not comment on the specific case with Niels Verner Pedersen, but recognise the issue.

– sometimes, when you look back on a case, then, you will say: It could as well be that we would have acted on it earlier, and that it could have prevented something. It can happen in all situations, but actually, I think that we are doing a fine academic assessment, says Stine Justi, there is myndighedschef in Faaborg-Midtfyn Municipality, and continues:

– Foranledningen of the press and attention have done that we will look at whether we should have a dedicated quality standard in the field, as the politicians goes in and approves, because it may be needed.

In Knud verner’s New townhouse in Faaborg sitting the daughters Lizzi Frandsen and Birgitte Mikkelsen, along with their father, that last november got a call installed in his home.

But though they know that he now has the ability to summon help at the press of a button, believe the two sisters, that help came too late.

– It is too bad that we treat our older people in this way. You be so far out that they need to achieve to fall and get hurt, before granting an emergency, says Lizzi Frandsen.