(Mallorca): Håkon jarl’s gate 2 is located right across the street for student socity in Trondheim. The farm has five floors with homes on top of a main floor with business and næringsarealer.

Witzøe-company Kverva bought the property in march of this year. The price tag should be after the On know to have been in the area 76-77 million. Purchase to be made with minimal equity.

25-30 mill. in the win

Only a just over a half later Dissolved sold the property, or rather parts of it. The cartridge section, which contains 50 apartments from 2. floor and up, is sold for between 80 and 90 million.

Pass has, therefore, collected a handsome profit of the combined residential and næringseiendommen. In addition to this they sit with a not insignificant value in næringsdelen at street level.

Sources Finansavisen has been in contact with the estimate that only næringsdelen has a value of around nok 20 million.

In this case, we are talking about an overall gain in the order of 25-30 million, corresponding to a capital appreciation of around 35 per cent

Close of PLAY

The 50 utleieleilighetene are between 22 and 168 square meters. The building is originally erected in 1969 – when with four floors over basement. Later, it is built on two floors.

In the first floor of the farm there is næringsarealer divided into three different sections. The basement contains 720 square feet of parking.

Close to the NTNU helps to draw the farm’s attractiveness, up. The building is located only 500 metres from Gløshaugen, where NTNU is located.

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