Internal medicine learn docent Esa Nook has for years sent dozens of patients iron refuelling. Less than 10% got it.Ferritin, inventory of iron lack of effort on the part of the Finnish status is poorly known, many feel that their symptoms are not taken seriously.

When you google the word you ferritin and storage iron, you will end up so we laypeople as a doctor in receipt of the discussions.

the chain in layman report fatigue, inertia, aivosumusta, low mood, short of breath and recovery difficulties. The cause of the symptoms is suspected, inter alia, hypothyroidism.

however, the Results are reference values inside. But when you inventory the amount of iron has been studied, it has been too low. Thus, even when the haemoglobin is normal. Many told me that they had received help with additional iron.

the doctor’s side again a dispute as to whether the body stored iron the amount told to the ferritin value to even be examined. Some people think that research is unnecessary, even in fashion-phenomenon. In their opinion, the level of hemoglobin and blood count is adequate.

the internal disease, I learned to associate professor of Esa Nook represents the second school.

– International experts and leading scientific journals, including the Lancet (2016) are unambiguously of the opinion that the ferritin assay is the best iron I wood do to the numerator.

If the ferritin is less than 30 micrograms per liter, it is iron deficiency.

Part of the layman of wonders, when there is almost any get a referral ferritin values. The thing is Sopille familiar.

iron deficiency can cause people in many different symptoms. Mostphotos

– my Patients have told how they have been told that ferritin can determine. Apparently, from a higher level, the central hospital, has been given such orders.

What about the iron fueling, iron given in the veins? Why is it behind the rock?

– I Have in recent years sent dozens of patients iron refuelling. Less than 10% is refueling allowed. They have been told that they do not have the iron wood. It’s not true.

some of the patients are taken to fill up the private side and paid for it myself. One dose of 500 milligrams of paying the pharmacy less than 300 euros.

Nook reminded, however, that anaemia is a wide range, and refueling have iron deficiency anemia primary treatment. Let’s go first to the anemia causes.

– the most Common cause of anemia is iron deficiency. When iron deficiency is a clear need to study where it is due. Do women, for example, menorrhagia, whether the childbirth associated with bleeding? Is the patient given blood?

Iron deficiency can also be associated with diseases. They are ulcerative colitis and intestinal bleeding. Celiac disease and years of acid blockers use also hamper the absorption of iron.

Iron deficiency the treatment is initiated with oral iron preparation. But independent of iron snip the Nook does not recommend.

– Self-directed use of iron makes iron deficiency detection difficult. Serious disease may long remain undetected.

Part of the iron deficiency people suffering describes feel powerless, depressed and foggy. Mostphotos

in the Vein of administered iron tank is also a risk.

– may be associated with intense allergic reactions. They are rare, but they occur.

He stressed that the iron fueling the vein is always an exception. It remains an option if the patient does not for example tolerate oral iron.

– Oral iron there comes a time in general disadvantages. These include diarrhea, constipation, upset stomach, heartburn.

a lack of Iron can feel without anemiaakin. Nook tell, more than half of these patients the blood picture is normal. Social discussions judging things is the familiar also the fertile age pass for those women.

– When the iron lost from the body, it will lose the first stock. Hard iron lack is all show hemoglobiinissa.

If a woman’s menses have always been profuse, he has leaked births or been a regular blood donation, iron stores may be low even after menopause.

– the reason you need to find out the whole lifetime period. I have a few patients with ferritin assay from 30 years ago. The value has been already about 10. They have therefore been symptomatic for 30 years.

the Video describes how you separate the polar night fatigue symptoms for example fatigue syndrome.

This story is published in the first Hundred people in.