Even if you think that you are hard-working and a leader, your colleagues may not agree with you.Many will think that is the chief ingredient for the job however, is not so.It may be that this is a job annoying an overachiever.Some things get co-workers nervous. AOP

the Border between them, that you are an active participant and that you step across borders is subtle.

If you want to advance your career, think about whether you management material or jyräätkö colleagues more than every opportunity.

you Grabbing yourself on each project and task, when it is possible. You like it yourself, maybe a proactive active, but your coworkers can keep it opportunistisena greedy again and the boss mielistelynä.

If you notice raised accordingly your hands too often, holding back a little. Instead, please yourself sometimes tasks that are not the most hohdokkaimpia and the most desirable. That way you get more respect from the team working..

there’s a big difference, when you tell your colleagues your opinion when it is asked and when you send your boss a list of the things that my colleague ruined my latest project. And yet when you tell me, how he could have done a better job.

keeping Things to yourself is between the easier said than done, especially in the workplace. As a rule of thumb is that you limit your comments to these situations: someone asks your opinion of someone’s actions or work directly affects you työsuoritukseesi and when someone’s action will significantly affect the whole team.

. Get their voices heard whenever there is an opportunity

you Are in a meeting and want to show how much you know. So you’re talking all the time. It that wants to get their voice heard is not a bad thing. But talking just for talking is not worthwhile, especially if you talk to them, who know more than you. Instead, try the ”less is more” approach. And when I say something, I say it deliberately and not in the core. When you are polite and regard also my colleague, you’re doing your job better.

Sources: Inc, The Muse