Sleep is an essential part of weight management. Adequate sleep can drop up to five pounds more than bad sleep. A good bed to boost pounds to lose.

When a person wants to lose weight, to draw his usually attention to diet and physical activity levels. A few come to think of it, that adequate sleep is also essential part of weight management. If you don’t get enough sleep increase obesity risk.

Sleep affect eating regulating hormones, such as leptin – and ghrelin-hormones, the observed concentrations. Leptin is a satiety hormone, which signals the brain satiety and helps keep the portion size reasonable. Ghrelin, in turn, causes constant small hunger.

– When you don’t sleep correctly, fluctuating hormones in balance and people are exposed to eat too much. Of course, the sheer fatigue affects eating. When you are tired, makes it easy for the bad choices and can explore the package inserts. Sleeping is important as well as hormones that can in terms of, tell TtM, a licensed nutritionist Hanna Partanen .

Partanen, according to weight loss can at best improve for a few months, even more pounds if sufficient sleep and its quality draws attention.

– Second sleep seemed to affect so much; while they would eat only an apple a day but is sleeping poorly, can feel that weight fall down. Not studied, how much weight you can drop just by sleeping properly. By touch I can say, however, that if sleeping well and eating little calories, may pounds to drop 2 to 5 more than if you sleep badly, he estimates.

Bed to help digestion to work properly

the Pound dropped in to help also the right kind of bed. Personally customized the mattress to stretch the sleeper’s body to sleep during.

– Body stretching bed helps get between the shoulder blades to the spine to open. If it is blocked, not the abdominal work on the brain, according to the commandments. Stretching to the satisfaction in bed can also be adjusted your posture. That’s when the brain sent orders to pass through the digestive system, Unikulma ergonomics-expert Vesa Import tell.

the right kind of bed can be also snoring.

the Metabolic needs air fat burning, but if you breathe poorly, i.e. have the flu or snore, no air can circulate. Obesity and snoring — have a strong connection with each other, Bringing said.

Personally customized bed can also include the possibility to adjust the year of the hardness of weight loss after. The mattress to soften the waist line of the paragraph, when the support is no longer needed as much as before.

– the Same need is when a woman becomes pregnant. Sleeping is easier when the bed is more than a little hard on the waist line, Bringing said.

Test the natural need for sleep vacation

How much sleep is enough? Nutritionist Partanen, according to the majority of people need to sleep 7-8 hours a night. Some are doing a five course hours, and others need 9-10 hours.

– Your natural unentarpeen get tested vacation. First sleep the sleep away, and then see what amount of sleep is enough, when the clock is in the morning to wake up, Partanen winked.

Clear routines help to get to sleep tonight at the right time. Before going to bed you should calm down in good time and try to get the business off the view. Watching tv and smartphone use can be discontinued for a couple hours before falling asleep and read in bed for example a book. Grunt should be avoided, because excessive eating may hinder sleep and affect sleep quality. Nälkäisenäkään don’t want to go to sleep, so the best option is a small evening meal. Alcohol is bad for sleep, because even if it helps you relax, it reduces the quality of sleep.

– the Adult human body likes rhythm, just like a small child. In the evening you should also pull the curtains in front of the windows and to use blackout curtains to a bright time of year. It is the total package, which in the evenings will do, Partanen said.

Read the snoring and the solutions more here. Now the top advantages!